A bacterial conjugation machinery recruited for pathogenesis

conjugation bacterial infection

conjugation bacterial infection - win

An AIE‐Active Conjugated Polymer with High ROS‐Generation Ability and Biocompatibility for Efficient Photodynamic Therapy of Bacterial Infections

Sunlight is the best disinfectant: A benzothiadiazole and tetraphenylethene‐containing conjugated polymer (PTB‐APFB) with high ROS‐generation ability and selectivity for pathogenic microorganisms over mammalian cells was developed. In vitro and in vivo results show that PTB‐APFB inhibits growth of bacteria efficiently, leading to recovery from infection 3 days faster than cefalotin.


New, biocompatible materials with favorable antibacterial activity are highly desirable. In this work, we develop a unique conjugated polymer featuring aggregation‐induced emission (AIE) for reliable bacterial eradication. Thanks to the AIE and donor‐π‐acceptor structure, this polymer shows a high reactive oxygen species (ROS)‐generation ability compared to a low‐mass model compound and the common photosensitizer Chlorin E6. Moreover, the selective binding of pathogenic microorganisms over mammalian cells was found, demonstrating its biocompatibility. The effective growth inhibition of bacteria upon polymer treatment under light irradiation was validated in vitro and in vivo. Notably, the recovery from infection after treatment with our polymer is faster than that with cefalotin. Thus, this polymer holds great promise in fighting against bacteria‐related infections in practical applications.
submitted by TomisMeMyselfandI to ACIE [link] [comments]

Prevention of enteric bacterial infections and modulation of gut microbiota composition with conjugated linoleic acids producing Lactobacillus in mice

Prevention of enteric bacterial infections and modulation of gut microbiota composition with conjugated linoleic acids producing Lactobacillus in mice submitted by sburgess86 to BiologyPreprints [link] [comments]

Vaccines On Demand, with Engineered Cells (+All the synthetic biology research this week)

On-Demand Vaccines for Bacterial Infections: A new study, published in Science Advances, describes a method to produce conjugate vaccines—which are used to prevent some of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths, according to the World Health Organization—using ground up, freeze-dried bacteria. E. coli bacteria were first engineered to produce an antigen for a pathogenic microbe of choice. Then, the researchers ripped open the cells and added in a piece of DNA encoding a carrier protein, which attaches to those antigens and helps display them to the immune system. The team turned the whole mixture into a powder that could be transported and stored at room temperature. Then, to make a dose of vaccine, they just add water. The freeze-dried tube produces the vaccine, on demand, in about one hour. As a proof of concept, the researchers manufactured vaccines that protected mice against a disease-causing bacteria, Francisella tularensis. The work was authored by researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
Why It Matters: Most vaccines need to be stored at cold temperatures. This makes it difficult to transport them to parts of the world without a temperature-controlled supply chain. This study could help make vaccines accessible to a greater number of people. The technique is also very general; it can be used to make just about any conjugate vaccine that is on the market today. Conjugate vaccines are already used to prevent a lot of childhood diseases, including multiple types of bacterial meningitis, which killed an estimated 300,000 people in 2016. That’s according to a 2018 study30387-9/fulltext) in The Lancet Neurology.
Cas13a Treats SARS-CoV-2 and Flu: DNA targeting CRISPR enzymes, including Cas9 and Cas12a, can manipulate genomes with ease. But there are also CRISPR proteins that target RNA, including the Cas13 ‘family.’ Since influenza and SARS-CoV-2 are both RNA-based viruses, Cas13 can be used to target, and chop up, their genetic material. For a new study, published in Nature Biotechnology, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, in Atlanta, used Cas13a to cut specific regions of the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. They first searched for guide RNAs that could cut these viruses in a cell culture model. Then, they packaged up an mRNA sequence encoding Cas13a, together with its ‘guides,’ and delivered them into mouse airways with a nebulizer (a device that converts liquid into a fine mist). In the mice, “Cas13a degraded influenza RNA in lung tissue efficiently when delivered after infection, whereas in hamsters, Cas13a delivery reduced SARS-CoV-2 replication and reduced symptoms.”
Why It Matters: Vaccines are great for fending off diseases. But knocking out a respiratory infection—after it has already happened—is much more challenging. This study shows that a CRISPR-based system can be programmed to target viruses, and can be easily delivered into airways with a nebulizer. This approach could likely be used to target other types of respiratory infections in the future.
Glucose Sensor Upgrade: For a new study, published in Nature Communications, researchers at the University of Toronto merged engineered cells with a standard glucose meter, expanding the number of molecules that can be measured with these common devices. Glucose test strips are typically coated with an enzyme, called glucose oxidase, that senses sugar and converts that signal into electricity. The researchers built a genetic circuit that can sense a wider array of molecules—like an antigen from a pathogenic microbe—and produce a commensurate amount of sugar. Standard glucose test strips can then be used to measure the concentration of those ‘sensed’ molecules in about an hour. The genetic circuit + glucose sensor combo was used to measure small molecules and synthetic RNAs, including “RNA sequences for typhoid, paratyphoid A and B, and related drug resistance genes” at attomolar concentrations.
Why It Matters: The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the need for scalable, rapid testing. By leveraging a household technology—glucose sensors—to detect a wider range of molecules, perhaps this study could be an entryway for synthetic biology; a way to get engineered cells into the hands of more people.
Open the Genetic Floodgates: There are many ways to “turn on” a single gene, but few options to do the same for many genes at once. The Cas12a protein, though, is uniquely suited to this purpose. For a new preprint, which was posted to bioRxiv and has not been peer-reviewed, researchers at the University of Edinburgh used a Cas12a protein from the bacterium, Francisella novicida, to activate six genetic targets at once. They encoded six crRNAs—nucleotide sequences that direct Cas12a to a genetic target—in a single piece of DNA, and swapped around their order to study how their position impacts the efficiency of gene editing. They found that the crRNA in the last position was produced in the lowest amount.
Why It Matters: Researchers have been activating specific genes in cells for decades. But only recently—in the last few years—has ‘multiplexed’ activation become simple; routine even. This new preprint is important, in my opinion, because of the depth of its experiments. The team played with the order of crRNAs, as I’ve already written, but they also tested the synergism of crRNAs. In other words, can you turn a gene on at even higher levels if you target it with two crRNAs instead of one? (Yes.)
CRISPR Clocks: The Cas9 protein cuts DNA at a steady pace. Cut…cut…cut, like a wobbly metronome. For a new study00014-3), published in Cell, researchers at the Yonsei University College of Medicine, in Seoul, Korea, used this “CRISPR clock” to record the timing of cellular events. They figured out how long it takes Cas9 to cut DNA (every DNA sequence takes a different amount of time to cut) and then sequenced the DNA to figure out the amount of time that had elapsed. The “clocks” were tested in HEK293T, a type of human liver cell, and also in mice. The clocks could be turned “on” by inflammation or heat. In one experiment, the researchers put cells with these clocks into mice, and then injected the animals with fat molecules that cause inflammation. They sequenced the cells, and found that they could determine the elapsed time, from genetic sequencing alone, with a mean error of just 7.6 percent.
Why It Matters: Biological clocks are useful for many reasons. The researchers said that their CRISPR clocks could be used to record when a pre-cancerous cell is turned into a cancer cell, for example. Scientists could expose cells to toxins, for example, and then measure the amount of time that it takes for cancerous growth to begin. The CRISPR clocks could be used to study these effects inside of living cells.
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Vaccine Rates on the Rise

Vaccine Rates on the Rise

The anti-vaccine movement has always had two things working against it: science is patient and parents, armed with accurate information, make smart choices. That's a pretty powerful combination, especially when what's at stake is the health of children. Now, after years of falling vaccination rates and alarming outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and other vaccine-preventable illnesses, the trend lines at last appear to be changing.
In a study conducted by the medical news and information service Medscape, investigators surveyed 1,551 physicians, nurse practitioners and physicians' assistants in family practices across the to ask them about vaccine compliance among their patients and the reasons parents were giving for accepting or declining vaccines. The results were both encouraging and enlightening.
Broadly, the investigators report that 46% of parents said they were more accepting of vaccines overall, while only 12% were less accepting, and 42% say their view had not changed. Meanwhile, 44% of parents say they are more inclined to allow their children to be vaccinated according to the recommended schedule, 14% are less inclined and 42% have not changed their opinion.
The top two reasons parents mentioned for greater vaccine acceptance involve the simple matters of health and safety. An overwhelming 72% cited increased fear of infectious diseases in general, while 53% said they specifically worry about their child contracting a vaccine-preventable disease.
In a vindication for school systems with mandatory vaccination policies, 44% cited denial of admission to school or summer camp as a reason to vaccinate. Other reasons cited for greater acceptance include less glamorization of anti-vaccine celebrities, more scrutiny of anti-vaccine claims by the media, and a greater willingness by doctors to address all of a parent's concerns about vaccines.
The vaccines meeting the greatest resistance in physicians' practices are HPV, influenza, and measles-mumps-rubella, cited by 61%, 39% and 37% of refusers, respectively. The ones meeting the least resistance are polio, pneumococcal conjugate (a lung, blood, ear and nervous system infection) and Hib (a bacterial influenza), at 10%, 9% and 6%. Of those parents who still refuse vaccines, the reason most cited is fear of autism, mentioned by 77% of the refusers--though the connection between the condition and vaccines has been repeatedly debunked. Concerns about the ingredients in vaccines and worry about other complications were mentioned by about 70% of parents. General distrust of the pharmaceutical industry was also mentioned by 44%. Only 8% cited cost or a lack of insurance--a dividend from the Affordable Care Act, which universally covers basic care.
Vaccines have long been among medical science's greatest brainstorms--simple, effective, preventive. It is only good news that more and more parents are catching wise to that fact.
Jeffrey Kluger at
submitted by yellowumbrella to HealthyZapper [link] [comments]

What are ghee health benefits

What are ghee health benefits

Eat ghee every day
You've probably heard all about ghee and all of its wonderful health benefits for the body. Ghee is unrefined, natural food that is produced in the tropical climates of India and other countries. Ghee is a pure dairy staple that is made from dairy butter in a clarifying process.
Ghee health benefits are many and include:
  • One of the best known of ghee benefits is that it promotes the health of the immune system.
  • It is often used as a moisturizer and to help with skin problems such as acne and eczema.
  • Ghee is packed with vitamin A, D, E, and K which all are fat-soluble vitamins.
  • People who are suffering with constipation problems can add ghee into their diet as it is helpful in curing the issue.
  • Ghee benefits also include improved blood circulation and lessened blood platelet adhesion, which may help prevent strokes and heart attacks.
  • Ghee has also been found to be very effective in combating bacterial infections of the urinary tract.
  • Researchers believe that the conjugated linoleic acid in ghee is able to reduce the inflammation and swelling of the kidneys.
Ghee is an excellent source of linoleic acid, which is one of the essential linoleic acid classes. All of these properties make ghee one of the most powerful health benefits of ghee to have ever been discovered. Therefore, the next time you are preparing a meal prefer to use a good quality organic ghee butter.
submitted by Kasturi_123 to u/Kasturi_123 [link] [comments]

My wife made an illustration of horizontal gene transfer I thought you might enjoy

[The text is from her patreon, hence the first person singular-form]
Transformation is the process whereby bacteria can "ingest" DNA from the environment and incorporate it into its own genome. It is incorporated either into the "main" DNA or as a plasmid, which is a separate form of "bonus-DNA" that bacteria have. Either way, the DNA they pick up can contain new genes with new functions that the bacteria can make use of, for instance antibiotic resistance. (I also made a post about antibiotic resistance here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43646691 It's a really interesting topic and there's probably more to come.)
The loose DNA comes from dead, broken down bacteria, sort of like how you may find an old cook book in a dead relatives house and learn a new recipe. That's dark, let's move on.
Conjugation happens when a bacteria hooks on to another bacteria with something called a "sex pilus". Yeah, really! This forms a bridge between the two, over which a copy of the first bacterias plasmid is transferred to the second bacteria.
Transduction is actually just an accident. One way a bacteriophage (a virus that attacks bacteria) replicates is to insert its DNA into a bacteria, break apart the bacterias DNA and "trick" the bacterias systems to make more copies of the virus. It then explodes the bacteria from the inside, spilling new viruses everywhere! But sometimes one of these new viruses gets a piece of the original bacterias DNA, instead of the virus-DNA it was supposed to get. It will still act like a virus and infect new bacteria, as bacteriophages do, but when it does it will inject bacterial DNA instead of virus-DNA. The infected bacteria will get some random DNA from the first host bacteria (the one that exploded), but there is no guarantee that the DNA provides any new, cool genes. It's like someone forces a random, torn-out page of a cook book on you: you might get the best recipe for chocolate cake in the world, or you might get the last half of the useless copyright-page. At least you won't explode :)
BTW: I made a post about bacteriophages here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43646620
Daubin and Szöllősi (2016) "Horizontal Gene Transfer and the History of Life" has a good overview of these three forms of horizontal gene transfer. the article is publicly available here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26801681/
Wikipedia also has a fairly comprehensive article about horizontal gene transfer here: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Horizontal_gene_transfer
submitted by HestenSierMjau to biology [link] [comments]

Photosynthesis boosted in plants, a musician makes music with artificial cells, and other things that happened This Week in Synthetic Biology

Every week, I compile the latest peer-reviewed research, preprints, and other news on genetic engineering and synthetic biology. This is the third week, and the response has been positive so far, so I will keep going!

Good morning. This week…

The New Yorker’s Raffi Khatchadourian wrote about Jackson Laboratory’s rapid shipments of “designer mice” for SARS-CoV-2 research, NewScientist covered a “radical new theory” on how life began on Earth, and CNN’s Milly Chan wrote a feature on Colorifix’s dyeing of fabrics with synthetic biology.
Meanwhile, the San Francisco Chronicle wrote about how proteins engineered to neutralize SARS-CoV-2 could soon show up in nose sprays, OneZero and Science Friday covered the first genetic edit in a squid, and Sarah Katz wrote a brilliant piece for Discover Magazine explaining why some deaf people oppose a CRISPR cure.
In industry news, Sherlock Biosciences announced a collaboration to launch CRISPR-based tests for SARS-CoV-2 and Mammoth Biosciences inked a deal for Doudna lab’s “miniature” Cas enzyme, CasΦ.

This week in research…

Listening to the Music of a Cell
Eduardo Reck Miranda is a professor of computer music at the University of Plymouth. In his latest paper, he introduces “a system for music composition informed by synthetic biology”, in which music is generated via simulations of various cellular processes, including transcription and protein folding. The study was published in Artificial Life.
E. coli 30875-8#articleInformation)Engineered to Grow Solely on Methanol30875-8#articleInformation) (They must be starving!)
At UCLA, the Liao lab has engineered E. coli to utilize methanol as its sole carbon source. With a paltry doubling time of 8.5 hours, the team began by using “metabolic robustness criteria” to engineer the strain, followed by laboratory evolution, and found that the final organism carefully balanced metabolic flux by tuning gene copy numbers and mutating key enzymes. The work was published in Cell.
Going Deeeep on the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain31003-5) (Open Access)
Researchers at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle, have performed a deep-mutational scan on the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD), the bit that binds to ACE2 on human cells. They created every single amino-acid substitution in the RBD, and show that, while most mutations are deleterious, some mutations enhance affinity for ACE2. The work was published in Cell.
Boosting Photosynthesis in Plants
At the University of Essex, the Raines lab inserted multiple genes, from red algae and cyanobacteria, into Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) to stimulate both electron transport and Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate turnover, increasing photosynthesis. The engineered plants also had an increase in above-ground biomass of up to 52% compared to controls. The study was published in Nature Plants. Read the press release.
E. Coli30363-6?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2451929420303636%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) Gets a 21st Amino Acid30363-6?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2451929420303636%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) (Open Access)
The Xiao lab at Rice University has engineered E. coli to both synthesize a 21st amino acid (5-hydroxyl-tryptophan, or 5HTP) and then site-specifically incorporate it into proteins. The team then used the engineered cell to “serve as a living indicator for reactive oxygen species”, as stated by Xiao in a Rice press release. The work was published in Chem.

More research…

A three-way combinatorial CRISPR screen for analyzing interactions among druggable targets31005-6) by Zhou, P. et al. in Cell Reports. (Open Access)
Application of CRISPR-Cas12a enhanced fluorescence assay coupled with nucleic acid amplification for the sensitive detection of African swine fever virus by Tao, G. et al. in ACS Synthetic Biology.
A versatile genetic control system in mammalian cells and mice responsive to clinically licensed sodium ferulate by Wang, Y. et al. in Science Advances. (Open Access)
Bacterial mock communities as standards for reproducible cytometric microbiome analysis by Cichocki, N. et al. in Nature Protocols.
Bacterial synthesis of C3-C5 diols via extending amino acid catabolism by Wang, J., et al. in PNAS.
Comprehensive study on Escherichia coli genomic expression: Does position really matter? by Goormans, A.R. et al. in Metabolic Engineering.
CRISPR-Cas13d Induces Efficient mRNA Knockdown in Animal Embryos by Kushawah, G. et al. in Developmental Cell. Read the press release.
De novo rational design of a freestanding, supercharged polypeptide, proton-conducting membrane by Ma, C. et al. in Science Advances. (Open Access)
Developing methods to circumvent the conundrum of chromosomal rearrangements occurring in multiplex gene edition [sic] by Borsenberger, V. et al. in ACS Synthetic Biology.
Development of light-responsive protein binding in the monobody non-immunoglobulin scaffold by Carrasco-López, C. et al. in Nature Communications. (Open Access)
Directed evolution of Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase variants with improved thermostability using error-prone PCR by Guan, L. et al. in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
DNA Scanner: a web application for comparing DNA synthesis feasibility, price, and turnaround time across vendors by Doçi, G. et al. in Synthetic Biology. (Open Access)
Engineering combinatorial and dynamic decoders using synthetic immediate-early genes by Ravindran, P.T. et al. in Communications Biology. (Open Access)
Engineering designer beta cells with a CRISPR-Cas9 conjugation platform by Lim, D. et al. in Nature Communications. (Open Access)
Engineering isoprenoid quinone production in yeast by Kaur, D. et al. in ACS Synthetic Biology.
Engineering of the 2,3-butanediol pathway of Paenibacillus polymyxa DSM 365 by Schilling, C. et al. in Metabolic Engineering. (Open Access)
Engineering regulatory networks for complex phenotypes in E. coli by Liu, R. et al. in Nature Communications. (Open Access)
Evaluating and engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae promoters for increased amylase expression and bioethanol production from raw starch by Myburgh, M.W., Rose, S.H. and Viljoen-Bloom, M. in FEMS Yeast Research.
Fully biological production of adipic acid analogs from branched catechols by Kruyer, N.S. et al. in Scientific Reports. (Open Access)
Genetically encoded tags for direct synthesis of EM-visible gold nanoparticles in cells by Jiang, Z. et al. in Nature Methods.
Independent component analysis of E. coli's transcriptome reveals the cellular processes that respond to heterologous gene expression by Tan, J. et al. in Metabolic Engineering. (Open Access)
In silico co-factor balance estimation using constraint-based modelling informs metabolic engineering in Escherichia coli by de Arroyo Garcia, L. and Jones, P.R. in PLoS Computational Biology. (Open Access)
Metabolically engineered Caldicellulosiruptor bescii as a platform for producing acetone and hydrogen from lignocellulose by Straub, C.T. et al. in Biotechnology and Bioengineering.
One-pot synthesis of adipic acid from guaiacol in Escherichia coli by Suitor, J.T., Varzandeh, S. and Wallace, S. in ACS Synthetic Biology.
Optogenetic control of protein binding using light-switchable nanobodies by Gil, A.A. et al. in Nature Communications. (Open Access)
Preliminary engineering for in situ in vivo bioprinting: a novel micro bioprinting platform for in situ in vivo bioprinting at a gastric wound site by Zhao, W. and Xu, T. in Biofabrication (Open Access)
Regulatory control circuits for stabilizing long-term anabolic product formation in yeast by D’Ambrosio, V. et al. in Metabolic Engineering. (Open Access)
Synthetic cross-phyla gene replacement and evolutionary assimilation of major enzymes by Sandberg, T.E. et al. in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Synthetic protease-activated class B GPCRs by Willard, F.S. et al. in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.
Unveiling of swainsonine biosynthesis via a multi-branched pathway in fungi by Luo, F. et al. in ACS Chemical Biology.

This week in reviews and commentary…

Cell-free approach for noncanonical amino acids incorporation into polypeptides by Cui, Z., Johnston, W. and Alexandrox, K. in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
Computer-aided whole-cell design: Taking a holistic approach by integrating synthetic with systems biology by Marucci, L. et al. in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. (Open Access)
Engineering microbial diagnostics and therapeutics with smart control by Amrofell, M.B., Rottinghaus, A.G. and Moon, T.S. in Current Opinion in Biotechnology.
Heterologous biosynthesis as a platform for producing new generation natural products by Park, D., Swayambhu, G. and Pfeifer, B.A. in Current Opinion in Biotechnology.
Synthetic virus-derived nanosystems (SVNs) for delivery and precision docking of large multifunctional DNA circuitry in mammalian cells by Aulicino, F., Capin, J. and Berger, I. in Pharmaceutics. (Open Access)
Use of cell and genome modification technologies to generate improved “off-the-shelf” CAR T and CAR NK cells by Morgan, M.A. et al. in Frontiers in Immunology (Open Access)

This week in preprints…

An ultra-high affinity synthetic nanobody blocks SARS-CoV-2 infection by locking Spike into an inactive conformation by Schoof, M. et al. bioRxiv.
Characterizing and controlling nanoscale self-assembly of suckerin-12 by Hershewe, J.M. et al. bioRxiv.
Coronacept - a potent immunoadhesin against SARS-CoV-2 by Cohen-Dvashi, H. et al. bioRxiv.
dCas9 regulator to neutralize competition in CRISPRi circuits by Huang, H. et al. bioRxiv.
DNA-based nanocarriers to enhance the optoacoustic contrast of tumors in vivo by Joseph, J. et al. bioRxiv.
Dynamic bistable switches enhance robustness and accuracy of cell cycle transitions by Rombouts, J. and Gelens, L. bioRxiv.
Efficacy of Targeting SARS-CoV-2 by CAR-NK Cells by Ma, M.T. et al. bioRxiv.
Elicitation of potent neutralizing antibody responses by designed protein nanoparticle vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 by Walls, A.C. et al. bioRxiv.
Engineered sex distortion in the global agricultural pest Ceratitis capitata by Meccariello, A. et al. bioRxiv.
Rational engineering of Kluyveromyces marxianus to create a chassis for the production of aromatic products by Rajkumar, A.S. and Morrissey, J.P. bioRxiv.
Reproducibility in systems biology modelling by Tiwari, K. et al. bioRxiv.
Single-cell lineage and transcriptome reconstruction of metastatic cancer reveals selection of aggressive hybrid EMT states by Simeonov, K.P. et al. bioRxiv.
Systematic engineering of artificial metalloenzymes for new-to-nature reactions by Vornholt T, et al. bioRxiv.
Thanks for all of the positive feedback so far :D Happy reading.
submitted by Mailyk to biotech [link] [comments]

The Next Pandemic: Confronting Emerging Disease and Antibiotic Resistance

Two problems not commonly discussed prior to the novel Coronavirus outbreak are the emergence of infectious disease and the related increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Here, I will explain the science behind these problems and some solutions that can be driven by legislation. My background is more squarely rooted in the science, so I apologize if I lean too heavily in this area as opposed to the economics and policy focus of this subreddit. I frequent this sub and enjoy the discourse here, and in my area this is one topic that overlaps with public health policy that I am passionate about.
To understand emerging disease and antimicrobial resistance, it’s important to understand evolution
The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV2, is an example of an emerging infectious disease. SARS-CoV2 is a disease that, prior to 2019, had not to the best of our knowledge infected a human being. The genetic makeup of the virus indicates that the virus is natural, originating likely as a bat or pangolin Coronavirus that acquired the ability to infect humans, and that it is not man-made (1). Why do new diseases come into existence? Why haven’t humans encountered all the diseases capable of infecting us? Furthermore, why do diseases that we had previously thought conquered have the newfound ability to harm us again, in spite of our advancements in antibiotic development?
The answer to these questions is partially answered by evolution. Several novel viruses, like SARS-CoV1, MERS, and SARS-CoV2, began as zoonosis: infection by a pathogen with an animal source. Viruses, though generally considered non-living, contain nucleic acid genomes (either RNA or DNA) similar to every other organism in the tree of life. This genome is subject to selective pressures, just as with every other nucleic-acid containing being, and mutates non-specifically (that is, an organism develops a mutation, then selective pressures have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on retaining or discarding the mutation). An animal coronavirus that recognizes surface molecules on animal cells that have some similarity to human cell surface molecules may only be a few small genome changes away from being capable of infecting humans. It is likely that SARS-CoV2 emerged in one of two ways: as either an animal virus that mutated within an animal that gained the ability to infect humans, or as an animal virus that jumped to humans, and within the human host was selected for the ability to infect humans (1). The advent of novel viruses is also facilitated by the horizontal transfer of genetic material between distinct viral lineages. In Influenza viruses, this can take the form of segments of genome being transferred wholesale between viruses. Influenza viruses contain a genome composed entirely of RNA in multiple segments of sequence. Segments “re-assort” when flu viruses of distinct lineage infect the same cell, and viral genomes are mixed during the process of producing new viruses. Alternatively, as would be the case in coronaviruses, recombination occurs through a mechanism not fully understood, where whole portions of genome are exchanged between viruses (2).
The problem of antimicrobial resistance is also best understood through evolution. To explain this phenomenon, I will describe mainly how resistance manifests in bacteria, but similar processes drive resistance to anti-virals, anti-fungals, and anti-parasitics. Antibiotics are largely derived from natural sources: as microbes compete for resources, there is a drive to reduce competitors numbers by killing them or inhibiting their growth. Antibiotics are typically small molecules that target essential processes for bacterial growth; commonly cell wall biosynthesis (preventing growth and division of the cell, an example being penicillin), protein synthesis (blocks the process of translation, an example being erythromycin), production of RNA (blocks the process of transcription, an example being rifampin) or production of DNA (blocks the process of replication, an example being fluoroquinolone). These antibiotics arose through selective pressures, and in response bacteria have developed systems to circumvent the deleterious effects of antibiotics. These include: rapidly excreting the antibiotic before it is capable of inhibiting growth (efflux pumps, a notable offender being Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common pathogen in patients with cystic fibrosis), degrading the antibiotic (beta-lactamases are a class of enzyme that degrade beta-lactam family antibiotics, such as penicillin), modifying the antibiotic (the most common mechanism for aminoglycoside resistance is to chemically modify the antibiotic so it doesn’t work), or simply modifying the target (Streptococcus pneumoniae is a microbe that causes multiple diseases that is naturally resistant to beta-lactams by modification of the drug target, the aptly-named Penicilin-binding protein) (3). As humans, it has been beneficial to identify these natural compounds and use them medically to treat infection.
Bacteria have incredible genome plasticity, engaging in a process known as horizontal gene transfer (HGT; sometimes referred to as lateral gene transfer) that increases the prevalence of resistant microbes. Not all bacteria are capable of this set of processes, but importantly several medically important pathogens, such as E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia pestis, Acinetobacter baumannii engage in processes that facilitate the transfer of genetic material between bacteria. There are several molecular mechanisms for HGT: bacteria-infecting viruses can transmit pieces of genetic material between similar bacteria (transduction), bacteria can form a bridge that transfers plasmids (conjugation; plasmids are typically circular pieces of DNA, and are typically maintained independently of the bacterial chromosome and commonly encode antibiotic resistance genes), or bacteria can simply pick up naked DNA in the environment and integrate that DNA into their chromosomes (natural transformation) (3). The effect of these processes is that, when a gene that imparts resistance to a particular antibiotic is introduced into a population, it may spread between members of the population, not just within the progeny of the cells that encode the resistance gene. This is especially true when a gene that imparts resistance is on a plasmid or is otherwise mobilizable (transposons, or jumping genes, are also common perpetrators of transmission in that they move somewhat readily and often encode drug resistance). The key point to understand here is that while genes are present in bacteria, either on a chromosome or on a mobilizable element, these genes are capable of moving to many other members of the same population.
To understand this in more practical terms, many people have undergone a course of antibiotics and experienced gastrointestinal distress or stomach pains. This can be attributed to disturbing your normal intestinal microbiome, as you kill off non-resistant bacteria. Now assume you have an infection of some sort, it could be anywhere in your body accessible to an orally administered antibiotic, and your doctor prescribes you an antibiotic. It is possible, and possibly probable, that within your gut are bacteria that harbor resistance genes. In the absence of the antibiotic, these are likely to have a neutral or possibly deleterious effect; think of this like a welder that is unable to remove his welding mask: it certainly helps when he is welding, but is cumbersome at other times of the day. Taking the antibiotic results in high selection for resistant microbes to grow and prosper. This allows the resistant bugs to soon outnumber the non-resistant bugs. Ultimately, this increases the concentration of the resistance genes in the population of microbes in your gut. Subsequent to this, you may encounter an infection of a gastrointestinal pathogen that, in infecting your gut, acquires the resistance genes that you selected for. In disseminating this pathogen, you are also disseminating this resistance gene. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, in taking antibiotics you select for drug resistance in the opportunistic pathogens of your body, notably Clostridium dificile and Staphylococcus epidermidis. These microbes are capable of causing disease, but reside in you or on you and cause infection when conditions are optimal for their growth.
The problem of antimicrobial resistance is convergent with emerging pathogens, as many pathogens “re-emerge” as they develop resistance to antimicrobials. While TB cannot be said to be an emerging pathogen as the world has been experiencing a TB pandemic since at least the early 1800’s, TB is re-emerging in the since that increased drug resistance has led to strains of TB that are not treatable via the traditional course of antibiotics (4). Similarly, common pathogens such as E. coli, Klebsiella, and Clostridium dificile are bugs that have become increasingly resistant to the antibitoics used to treat them (5). Acinetobacter baumanii, a soil microbe with resistance to a spectrum of antibiotics, became a common Gulf and Iraq War wound infection. Many of these pathogens find a home in hospitals, where the use of antibiotics is prevalent and potential hosts are abundant. Furthermore, the recently emerged pathogen HIV, the causal agent of AIDS, is intersectional with that of antibiotic resistance, as infection with HIV increases susceptibility to bacterial infections due to reduced immune cell numbers; increased infection rates of Both issues, antibiotic resistance and emerging pathogens, pose a threat to human health the world over, and I will attempt to address both of these issues in this post.
The problem of emerging disease and antibiotic resistance is exacerbated by humans
To what extent do emerging diseases and antibiotic resistance affect humans? SARS-CoV2 has had an extensive impact on human health and living, and the response to shut down to stop the spread of the virus has had a large economic impact. It is impossible to accurately predict the threat posed by non-discovered viruses, so the next threat could be relatively benign, or truly horrific. This is not to fearmonger, there is no reason to suspect that such a virus is bound to steamroll us soon, but to say that the next plague may be brewing inside a pig in a Chinese farm or outside our homes in the bodies of ticks, and we would not know it. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published two Antibiotic Resistance Threat reports on the subject, in 2013 and 2019. In the 2013 edition, it was reported that 2 million people in the United States will acquire an antibiotic resistant infection, and that 23,000 will die as a direct result of that infection (5). While by 2019 this was realized to be an underestimation of the drug-resistant cases, new approaches had determined that the true value had lowered from 2013 to 2019, with an updated estimate of 2.8 million cases and 35,000 fatalities in 2019 (6). An excellent illustration of the problem can be found on page 28 of the 2013 report, which reports the introduction date (left) and the date at which resistance was observed on the right for crucial antibiotic groups. Commonly, within a decade of the introduction of an antibiotic, resistance emerges. This problem cannot be expected to go away on its own, and more than likely pathogens commonly thought vanquished will re-emerge with drug-resistant characteristics.
There are human processes that contribute to the emergence of disease and spread of antibiotic resistance. In China, Wet Markets bring together livestock from all over the country, creating an environment that is diverse in the microbial life that live commensally and parasitically in and on these animals. The proximity of these animals allows for the exchange of these microbes; these microbes are then capable of exchanging genetic material. As I described for Flu and Coronaviruses, viruses that come into contact within cells are capable of genetic recombination, a process that can result in viruses that are capable of infecting humans. This is not to say this is a common phenomenon, just that 1) the process is accelerated by live animal markets and 2) this practice and resulting genetic recombination of zoonotic viruses is thought to have contributed to both the original and novel SARS-CoV outbreaks.
In the United States, a textbook example of an emerging disease is Lyme Disease (7). Named for the town of Lyme, Connecticut, Lyme Disease is caused by the peculiar bacterium known as Borellia burgdorferi. Borellia is a corkscrew-shaped bacteria that is interesting for its ability to grow without iron (a key component of the immune response is the sequestration of iron away from pathogens). Lyme Disease is spread through ticks, and the number of infectious cases is exacerbated by reforestation and settlement close to wooded areas in suburban environments. As building projects move closer to forested areas, exposure to arthropod-borne illnesses will be expected to rise.
Beyond settlement and the wet market practice, the emergence of new infectious disease is complicated by global warming and healthcare practices. Global warming is hypothesized to drive heat resistance in fungi, potentially improving their capacity to grow within the human body (8). The pathogenic potential of fungi is hypothesized to be limited by the heat of the human body, and there is some speculation that global warming is a contributing factor to the emergence of the notorious fungal pathogen Candida auris (8). These claims should be taken with a grain of salt and evaluated critically, but it is possible that human-caused climate change will disturb the ecology of our planet with as of yet unforeseen consequences, among them the generation novel and resurgent diseases.
In healthcare, over-prescription of and a lack of regulation on antibiotics has caused the problem to worsen (5,6). When a patient receives an antibiotic, the drug has an effect on all microbes where the drug is bioavailable. This includes the intestines, which contain a resident population of microbes, and the skin, which contains Staphylococci resident species that prevent colonization by pathogenic strains of similar bacteria. These residents are then selected for their ability to resist the drug, causing an increase in resistance among the healthy microbiota. These resistance genes, as I have described, can then move between dissimilar bacteria in the same environment. If a harmful strain of E. coli is introduced into such an environment, for example, it has a higher likelihood of encountering and assimilating the genetic potential to resist antibiotics than in an environment that is naïve to the antibiotic. Patients are commonly prescribed antibiotics for infections that are more likely to be caused by a virus, or in instances where an infection is likely to run course without medical intervention. The increased exposure to antibiotics causes the microbiota to increase the concentration of resistance genes. Additionally, in places like India, the regulations on antibiotics are much more laxed than even the United States, where one is able to purchase over-the-counter antibiotics. This allows anyone to give themselves an incomplete course of antibiotics for any condition, even if the symptoms are not caused by an infection of any kind. Additionally, prescription antibiotics that have deteriorated with time, or are manufactured with subpar quality control resulting in lower concentrations, that remain in circulation exacerbate the problem by establishing sub-inhibitory concentrations of the antibiotic in the body and resulting in selection for resistance. Furthermore, environmental pollution of antibiotics into natural water sources and sewage results in increased environmental concentrations of resistance genes. These genes can spill into humans by exposure to microbes in these environments (9).
Agriculture provides another increase in the concentration of resistance genes (10). Livestock are fed antibiotics, which increase the weight of animals in an as-of-yet not understood mechanism. A deleterious consequence of this increase in yield with antibiotic usage is the increase in resistance in response to this widespread antibiotic usage. These resistance genes then find their way into humans, whether through ingestion of food contaminated with resistant microbes.
Science and technology can solve the problem, but face institutional and biological challenges
There are both institutional and scientific challenges to combating emerging disease and antibiotic resistance. Some of these problems are easily apparent as I have described above: countries with laxed restrictions on who can obtain antibiotics, countries where the drugs are used often over-prescribed, suburbanization, and global warming all contribute to the problem.
Scientifically, there are challenges in that novel diseases are difficult to combat. The novel Coronavirus had the precedent of other coronaviruses (i.e. SARS and MERS) that had been studied and their virology dissected, but that won’t necessarily be the case everytime a novel pathogen infects a human. A technological benefit to this problem is the use of meta-genomics, which allows for DNA/RNA sequencing without prior knowledge of the nucleic acid sequence of the genome. Within weeks of the first identification of the virus, its sequence was available to researchers. This was not the case during the outbreak of SARS-CoV1, when meta-genomics approaches such as Illumina Sequencing, NanoPore Sequencing, and Pacific Biosciences Sequencing were not available. In the event of a novel disease emergence, this information would be vital to combating the pathogen.
Despite not knowing necessarily what the next threat will be, expanding the human knowledge base on microbes is an essential component of any plan to fight emerging diseases. Any emerging disease is likely to be similar to other microbes that we have encountered, and knowledge of the physiology of these organisms helps to understand weaknesses, transmission, and potential therapeutic targets. The study of all microorganisms therefore benefits the effort to combat the next pandemic, as any one piece of information could be critical.
Surveillance is perhaps the most important tool to fight emerging infectious disease; knowing the problem exists is a crucial step to curbing spread. A recent example of successful surveillance can be seen in a recent PNAS publication regarding the presence of potential pandemic influenza in hogs, and the presence of antibodies against this particular class of flu viruses in swine workers (11). While at present it does not appear that the virus has acquired the ability to cause a pandemic, this knowledge allows for immunologists to potentially include viral antigens specific to this particular viral class in seasonal vaccines. Surveillance is critical in controlling both emerging diseases and antibiotic resistance: knowledge of what potential pathogens emerge where, and what microbes are exhibiting resistance to what drugs, can drive containment and treatment efforts.
To combat antibiotic resistance, new drugs must be developed, but there are hurdles in identification, validation, and production of new antibiotics. First, potential new antibiotics have to be either identified or designed. This often involves looking through filtered environmental samples to determine the presence of small molecules that inhibit bacterial growth, or chemically altering known drugs to circumvent drug resistance. This is not necessarily difficult, as there are microbes in the soil and water that produce potential therapeutics, but this does require both time and money, as well as the consideration that it is likely that resistance to that novel therapeutic exists in the environment from which it was pulled. New drugs must be safe, but due to the abundance of antibiotics presently in use and their historic efficacy, the standard for antibiotics to pass safety regulations is extremely high. As drug resistance becomes more common, it will become apparent that more and more side effects may have to be tolerated to prevent death due to bacterial infection. Finally, and the most important challenge to developing antibiotics is that the profit margin on antibiotics is low for drug companies in the present market, disincentivizing research and production of novel drugs.
In addition to stand-alone antibiotics, new inhibitors of resistance must be developed as well. Clavulanic acid is one such inhibitor, and is administered with the beta-lactam drug amoxicillin to improve its ability to kill bacteria. Bacteria that are resistant beta-lactams often encode enzymes called beta-lactamases. Beta-lactamases break open the active portion of the beta-lactam molecule, rendering it ineffective in attacking its target. Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactam itself, and is a target for the beta-lactamase enzyme; however, when the enzyme begins to degrade clavulanic acid, the enzyme becomes stuck at an intermediate step in the reaction, rendering the beta-lactamase enzyme useless. These drugs must also be explored and screened for in environmental samples, as well as developed. It is possible to take a rational approach to drug design, with increasing knowledge of how resistance mechanisms work. This means that scientists specifically look at, say, a beta-lactamase enzyme at the molecular level, and design a small molecule that will fit into the enzyme and block its function. Chemists then design the molecule to test its efficacy.
Ultimately, scientists either know how to solve the problem, or know how to get the tools they need to solve the problem. It is the institutional challenges that make the problem more difficult to solve.
How legislation can improve the ability of scientists to combat emerging disease and drug resistance
In discussing emerging diseases and antibiotic resistance, I try to draw parallels to the problem of global warming: a global problem with global solutions. I don’t have a novel solution to climate change to discuss here, other than to parrot this subreddit’s typical ideas, so I will omit that discussion here. That is to say, global warming is a driver for emerging infectious disease, and fighting global warming is important to combat the potential rise of fungal pathogens. I will, however, discuss some ideas for combating emerging disease and drug resistance. These ideas are mostly derived from scientists familiar with the problem,
Funding for research, basic and applied, is crucial. No bit of knowledge hurts in the fight against human disease. Learning how Alphaviruses replicate, determining the structure of E. coli outer membrane proteins, and examining the life cycle of the non-pathogen Caulobacter crescentus all contribute to the fight against the next disease. The more we know, the more powerful our vision is in understanding the inner machinations of disease. Every immune response, every molecular mechanism, and every aspect of microbial physiology is potentially a drug or vaccine target, a clue into pathogenesis, or an indication of how a bug is likely to spread. The Trump administration has not been kind to science funding (12). Science that does not appear to have benefit at first glance often does in the long run, and for this reason I will stress the importance of funding research of this sort, as well as funding applied research.
Knowing is half the battle. In combating emerging diseases, it is important to know they exist. As I have mentioned the example of recent viral surveillance with regard to the novel reassortment influenza viruses, I would like to stress the importance of funding surveillance programs in fighting emerging disease and drug resistance. There are currently US governmental surveillance programs that provide valuable information about the spread of drug resistance, such as NARMS in the United States (13).
In the United States, there is a need for greater accountability in using antibiotics. Resistance is unlikely to completely go away, even when the use of an antibiotic is discontinued, but the levels of resistant bacteria dwindle when the selective pressure is reduced. For this reason, several medical practitioners have proposed a rotating schedule of prescription antibiotics, that includes the retention of some new antibiotics from use. The reasoning for this is that, in the years following the halted use of a particular antibiotic, it is expected that the concentration of resistant bacteria will decrease. As I discussed with the example of always wearing a welding helmet, carrying resistance genes often imparts some form of growth defect on the resistant bacteria (for example, altering an essential gene targeted by an antibiotic may render the bacteria resistant, but there is a reason such a gene is essential, in that it’s required for growth; changing the gene in a substantive way may negatively impact its performance and by extension make these resistant bacteria less fit). A rotating cycle of what antibiotics are allowed to be prescribed, informed by surveillance data, would buy time for the development of new antibiotics as well. Additionally, higher standards should be required for the prescription of antibiotics, to increase accountability of physicians; these standards could involve clinically verifying the presence of susceptible bacteria prior to administering a drug in situations where the disease in not life-threatening.
There is a need to reduce the environmental pollution of drugs into sewage and natural bodies of water as well. This will require research into cost-effective methods for reducing the population of resistant bugs and drugs in these environments. In the case of natural bodies of water, a source of contamination is often factories where drugs are produced. Often, waters near these factories have high levels of antibiotics that select for resistance to develop and spread. This may require legislation to improve environmental outcomes, as well as surveillance of drug resistance gene levels and the levels of antibiotics in these waters to ensure compliance.
There is also a need to halt the use of antibiotics in treating livestock (14). Halting the use of antibiotics typically results in reductions of antibiotic resistant bug populations within a year or two (10). I don’t know of studies that estimate the economic cost of halting use of antibiotics in American meat, but in the case of Denmark, livestock production does not appear to have been significantly impacted.
I think that the most challenging problem will be for drug companies to develop new antibiotics when there is not presently a financial incentive to do so. Because antibiotics are still largely effective, and the financial benefit to adding an antibiotic to the market does not outweigh the cost to put a drug to market, there is not currently a large incentive to produce new drugs (15). To address this negative externality, it is necessary to generate financial incentives of some form for the production of new antibiotics. This may take the form of subsidizing antibiotic discovery efforts and drug safety trials; additionally, applied research with the goal of specifically finding new antibiotics should see increased funding.
To combat the problem overseas, it is obvious that obtaining an antibiotic course must occur through a doctor. This eliminates false self-diagnoses of bacterial infections. The problem of wet markets may be partially resolved by preventing animals that do not regularly contact each other from being traded and stored in the same vicinity as animals that are not typically encountered. This may involve limiting a particular wet market to the trade of animals that come from a particular geographic area, preventing geographically diverse microbes from encountering each other.
It's on all of us to stop the next pandemic:
If you made it this far, thank you reading this post and I hope that I have convinced you of the importance of this issue! There are simple steps that we can all take as consumers to reduce antimicrobial resistance: don’t take antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor and buy meat that was produced without antibiotics. I welcome any and all criticism, and would love to hear people's ideas! Please let me know of any errors as well, or any missed concepts that I glossed over. I've been excited to give my two cents to this sub, and I don't want to mislead in any way.
1: Andersen, KG, et al. 2020. The Proximal Origin of Sars-CoV-2. Nature Medicine 26: 450-452.
2: Su, Shou, et al. 2016. Epidemiology, Genetic Recombination, and Pathogenesis of Coronaviruses. Cell Trends in Microbiology 24(6): 490-502. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2016.03.003
3: Munita, JM; Arias, CA. 2016. Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance. Microbiology Spectrum VMBF-0016-2015. doi:10.1128 /microbiolspec.VMBF-0016-2015.
4: Shah, NS; et al. 2007. Worldwide Emergence of Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis. Emerging Infectious Diseases 13(3): 380-387. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2725916/
5: CDC Antibiotic Threats Report, 2013. https://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/pdf/ar-threats-2013-508.pdf
6: CDC Antibiotic Threats Report, 2019. https://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/pdf/threats-report/2019-ar-threats-report-508.pdf
7: Barbour, AG; Fish, D. 1993. The Biological and Social Phenomenon of Lyme Disease. Science 260(5114):1610-1616. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8503006/
8: Casadevall, A; Kontoyiannis, DP; Robert, V. 2019. On the Emergence of Candida auris: Climate Change, Azoles, Swamps, and Birds. mBio 10.1128/mBio.01397-19. https://mbio.asm.org/content/10/4/e01397-19
9: Kraemer, SA; Ramachandran, A; Perron, GG. 2019. Antibiotic Pollution in the Environment: From Microbial Ecology to Public Policy. Microorgansims 7(6): 180. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6616856/
10: Levy, S. 2014. Reduced Antibiotic Use in Livestock: How Denmark Tackled Resistance. Environmental Health Perspectives 122(6): A160-A165. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4050507/
11: Sun, H, et al. 2020. Prevalent Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine influenza virus with 2009 pandemic viral genes facilitating human infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1921186117.
12: Kaiser, J. 2020. National Institutes of Health would see 7% cut in 2021 under White House plan. Science Magazine. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02/national-institutes-health-would-see-7-cut-2021-under-white-house-plan
13: About NARMS: National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System for Enteric Bacteria. https://www.cdc.gov/narms/about/index.html
14: Khachatourians, GG. 1998. Agricultural use of antibiotics and the evolution and transfer of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. CMAJ 159(9):1129-1136 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1229782/
15: Jacobs, Andrew. 2019. Crisis Looms in Antibiotics as Drug Makers Go Bankrupt. The New York Times. https://nyti.ms/366f7it
submitted by chemistjoe to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Meningitis vaccine: What parents need to know

Meningitis vaccine: What parents need to know
Meningitis vaccine: What parents need to know
The brain and spinal cord is surrounded by protective membranes called meninges. An infection to the meninges results in the disease called Meningitis. Meningococcal infection can be life-threatening and the worst at risk are teenagers, young babies and children. This scary disease causes septicaemia or blood poisoning thereby causing irreversible damage to the brain and/or nerves. There are vaccines that can provide a good amount of protection against meningitis, provided you take them. Two vaccines protect against four types of meningococcal diseases. An additional vaccine is known to protect against serotype B, which also is one of the causes of meningitis. The age-based incidences of meningococcal disease and bacterial meningitis in England and Wales in 2005 were 31.3 per 100,000 among the age groups 0–4 years. The alarming rates of this infection have made it all the while more necessary to get vaccinated. With meningitis vaccination Streatham and Meningitis vaccination Sydenham that have made meningitis vaccination easily available, in the United Kingdom, make sure you get vaccinated as prevention any day is better than regret.
Why is the meningitis vaccine so crucial?
It is estimated that 10-15% of those who get sick with the disease succumb to death, even with antibiotic treatment. About 20% of patients will have permanent side effects, such as hearing loss or brain damage. These stats make it an indispensable need to get the meningitis vaccines administered into every individual of the required age. The meningitis vaccine schedule is generally a one dose immunization that stretches from individuals of one to twenty-nine years of age. The meningitis vaccine age is constricted mostly between these years but NHS recommends meningococcal vaccination strictly for all preteens and teens up to the age 11 to 12-years-old. Also, it is to be bought to notice that a single shot is effective for almost a span of five years. Three tetravalent conjugate vaccines against the serogroups A, C, Y, and W-135 Meningococcus are now recognized and licensed internationally.
Are there any ill consequences to meningitis vaccination?
Though considered to be totally safe, there can be some mild meningitis vaccines side effects that are listed below:
● Redness where the shot was injected.
● Pain in the specific area.
submitted by Touchwoodpharmacy to u/Touchwoodpharmacy [link] [comments]

Synthesis of a pentasaccharide repeating unit of lipopolysaccharide derived from virulent E. coli O1 and identification of a glycotope candidate of avian pathogenetic E. coli O1

Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is a common bacterial pathogen infecting chickens, resulting in economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide. In particular, APEC O1, one of the most common serotypes of APEC, is considered problematic due to its zoonotic potential. Therefore, many attempts have been made to develop an effective vaccine against APEC O1. In fact, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O‐antigen of APEC O1 has been shown to be a potent antigen for inducing specific protective immune responses. However, the detailed structure of the O‐antigen of APEC O1 is not clear. The present study demonstrates the first synthesis of a pentasaccharide repeating unit of LPS, β‐ d ‐Man p NAc‐(1,2)‐α‐ l ‐Rha p ‐(1,3)‐α‐ l ‐Rha p ‐(1,3)‐β‐ l ‐Rha p ‐(1,4)‐β‐ d ‐Glc p NAc, derived from virulent E. coli O1 and its conjugate with BSA. ELISA tests revealed that the semi‐synthetic glycoconjugate effectively binds to antibodies in the chicken serum, which were obtained after immunization with APEC O1, competitively with LPS of APEC O1. These results indicate that the pentasaccharide is a glycotope candidate of APEC O1, with great potential as an antigen for vaccine development.
submitted by TomisMeMyselfandI to ACIE [link] [comments]

Nabokov’s Dictionary: The Vocabulary of Lolita (1955)

Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov was well-known for his taste in recondite words. Here is a collection of them which appear in his most famous book.
Aberrant – deviating from the proper or expected course; deviating from what is normal; untrue to type.
Abet – to approve, encourage, and support (an action or a plan of action); urge and help on.
Abject – brought low in condition or status; being of the most contemptible kind; miserable, wretched.
Acrosonic – a word invented by Nabokov, meaning ‘a noise reaching to and past the sonic barrier’.
Accroupie – from the French accroupir: to squat.
Adman – a man who designs, writes, acquires, or sells advertising.
Adumbrate – to give a sketchy outline of; to prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow; to disclose partially or guardedly; to overshadow; shadow or obscure.
Ague – a febrile condition in which there are alternating periods of chills, fever, and sweating; used chiefly in reference to the fevers associated with malaria; chill or fit of shivering.
Alembic – an apparatus consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, formerly used for distilling liquids; a device that purifies or alters by a process comparable to distillation.
Ambulate – to walk from place to place; move about.
Ancilla – accessory, aid.
Anent – regarding; concerning.
Ante-bellum – an expression derived from Latin that means “before war” (ante,”before,” and bellum, “war”).
Antecedent – a preceding event, condition, cause, phrase, or word.
Antemeridian – of, relating to, or taking place in, the morning.
Anthropometric – Anthropometry is the study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison.
Apostately – one who has abandoned one’s religious faith, political party or principles.
Apotheosis – exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification; elevation to a preeminent or transcendent position; glorification; an exalted or glorified example.
Arch – mischievous; roguish.
Argus – in Greek Mythology, a giant with 100 eyes who was made guardian of Io and was later slain by Hermes; an alert or watchful person; a guardian.
Aster – any of various plants of the genus Aster in the composite family, having radiate flower heads with white, pink, or violet rays and a usually yellow disk; a star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having ray-like fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis.
Atoll – a ring-like coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon.
Backfisch – German- literally, ‘fish for frying’. A teenage or late adolescent girl.
Bemazed – bewildered.
Banal – drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite.
Bellelettrist – one versed in belles-lettres, a phrase to identify literary works that do not fall into other major categories, such as fiction, poetry or drama. Thus,it would include essays, récits, published collections of speeches and letters, satirical and humorous writings, and other miscellaneous works. The Oxford English Dictionary says that ‘it is now generally applied (when used at all) to the lighter branches of literature.’
Bilious – resembling bile, especially in color: a bilious green; having a peevish disposition;ill-humored.
Blunderbus – a muzzle-loading firearm with a flared, trumpet-like barrel which discharges lead shot upon firing.
Bodkin – a dagger or stiletto knife; a sharp slender instrument for making holes in cloth or a blunt needle with a large eye for drawing tape or ribbon through a loop or hem;a hairpin.
Bonhomie – a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality.
Bower – a shaded, leafy recess; an arbor; a woman’s private chamber in a medieval castle; a boudoir; a rustic cottage; a country retreat.
Bruder – German – brother.
Bullybag – scrotum.
Burgher – a citizen of a town or borough; a comfortable or complacent member of the middle class.
Burlesque – a literary or dramatic work that ridicules a subject either by presenting a solemn subject in an undignified style or an inconsequential subject in a dignified style; a ludicrous or mocking imitation; a travesty.
Butte – a hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding area and has sloping sides and a flattop.
Callypygean – having beautifully proportioned buttocks.
Caloricity – a faculty in animals of developing and preserving the heat necessary to life.
Canthus – the angle formed by the meeting of the upper and lower eyelids at either side of the eye.
Caravansary – an inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans; a large inn or hostelry.
Carbuncle – a painful localized bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that usually has several openings through which pus is discharged; a deep-red garnet, unfaceted and convex; a red precious stone.
Celestial – of or relating to the sky or the heavens; supremely good; sublime
Cerebrate – to use the power of reason; think.
Charshaf – a Bulgarian word for ‘sheet’.
Cinquefoil – any of several plants of the genus Potentilla in the rose family, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having yellow or sometimes white or red flowers and compound leaves that in some species bear five leaflets.
Coevals – all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age.
Conflagration – a large, destructive fire.
Connubial – relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal.
Constructivistic – (of a staircase) in this instance, using diverse structural elements and abstract shapes.
Contiguous – sharing a common border, touching; together in sequence.
Contretemps – an unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inopportune occurrence; a minor disagreement.
Corant – a sprightly but stately dance, now out of fashion.
Corroborate – to strengthen or support with other evidence; to make more certain.
Coruscate – to flash or sparkle; to gleam.
Crenellated – (usually of a wall) having battlements.
Crepitate – to make a crackling or popping sound.
Cretonne – a heavy upholstery fabric, often floral.
Cryptogram – a text written in code; a symbol or figure of secret or occult significance.
Decorous – in keeping with good taste; polite or restrained; proper.
Debouchment – an outlet, mouth or opening.
Defile – to sully, mar or spoil.
Deplore – to feel or express strong dislike or disapproval of a thing.
Deprecatory – belitting; intended to diminish or disparage.
Digne (fr.) – worthy, honourable, deserving; haughty, disdainful.
Disburse – pay out (money from a fund).
Dissimulation – deception; the act of deceiving.
Dolorian – a word that Nabokov has invented: it is a pun on both Lolita’s name (Dolores) and ‘dolorous’, meaning painful/sorrowful.
Drumlin – a small hill or mound, typically one of a group, shaped by glacial drift.
Duenna – an older woman acting as a governess in charge of girls.
Dulcet – (of sound) sweet, soothing, mellifluous, tuneful.
Eclectic – deriving ideas, style or taste from a diverse range of sources.
Emeritus – a Latin past participle meaning ‘having served one’s time’; adj. – retired, but retaining an honorary title.
Ensellure – a concave curve, formed by the spine; lumbar incurvation.
Epithet – a term used to characterise a person or thing; an abusive word or phrase.
Equanimity – composure; the quality of being calm and even-tempered.
Equipoise – an even balance of weight or other forces; equilibrium.
Eructation – the act or instance of belching.
Expeditious – done with speed and efficiency.
Fascinum – in Ancient Roman religion and magic, the embodiment of the divine phallus.
Fatamorganas – mirages occurring in a narrow band above the horizon – were reputed to be a product of witchcraft, intended to lure sailors to their deaths.
Favonian – pertaining to the west wind; mild, gentle.
Fretillement (fr.) – from the French verb ‘fretiller’ – to wriggle.
Friable – easily broken up; crumbly.
Frileux – chilly; sensitive to the cold; cautious.
Fructuate – to produce fruit.
Gagoon – a pun on the words ‘baboon’, ‘gag’, and ‘goon’, intended to suggest a repulsive simian creature.
Gamut – the complete range or scope of something.
Gitanilla – an ironic reference to Cervantes’ idealistically romantic short story, ‘La Gitanilla’, or ‘The Gypsy Girl’.
Glaucous – (in botany) covered with a grayish, blueish or whitish waxy coating or bloom that is easily rubbed off; of a pale grayish or blueish green.
Gloam – twilight; the time of day immediately following the sunset.
Gnomide – a female gnome.
Gonadal – of or pertaining to the testis or ovary.
Gredin (fr.) – rascal
Grue (fr.) – hooker, whore.
Habitus – general physical state, esp. with regard to susceptibility to disease; constitution.
Herculanita – heroin (drug).
Heliotropic – growth or orientation of an organism, esp. a plant, toward or away from the light of the sun.
Hermetic – completely sealed; impervious to outside influence.
Hypnotoid – similar to or resembling hypnosis.
Immolate – to kill or offer as a sacrifice; to sacrifice something highly valued.
Impetuous – rash, impulsive; liable to act without consideration.
Impudent – mischievous or disrespectful.
Impunity – exemption or immunity from punishment or recrimination.
Inane – senseless, empty, unintelligent.
Incarnadine – of a blood-red colour; to tinge or stain with red.
Incipient – beginning; just starting to be or to happen.
Incondite – rough or crude; poorly constructed.
Indigent – destitute, so poor as to lack basic necessities; (noun) impoverished person.
Ineffable – to great or intense to be expressed in words; too sacred to be uttered.
Inimical – adverse or unfavourable; unfriendly, hostile.
Inveigle – to lead or trick (someone into a situation) or persuade (someone to do something) by cleverness or trickery, usu. followed by ‘into’.
Jovian – of or relating to Jupiter; either the Roman god or the planet.
Kilmerite – in reference to Joyce Kilmer, a New Jersey poet.
Laconic – (of a person, speech or style of writing) using very few words.
Laodicean – of or relating Laodicea; lukewarm or half-hearted, esp. with respect to religion or politics; (n) a person with such an attitude.
Largesse – generosity.
Lassitude – a state of physical or mental weariness; a lack of energy.
Lateral – of, at , toward, or from the sides.
Limpid – unclouded and completely clear.
Leporine – of or resembling a hare.
Logodaedaly – the skilful, clever use of words; the arbitrary or capricious coining of words.
Logomancy – a school of magic that derives from the power of words and language.
Lucerne – a rarely used name for Alfalfa, a flowering plant.
Lucid – easily understood; sane or rational; translucent or transparent.
Lucre – money or profits.
Manque (fr.) – lacking, unfulfilled.
Matitudinal – of the morning.
Meretricious – attracting attention in a vulgar manner; plausible but false or insincere.
Mesas – a broad, flat-topped elevation with one or more cliff-like sides.
Mummery – a pretentious or hypocritical show or ceremony.
Mythopoeic – giving rise to myths.
Nacreous – of or like the pearly internal layer of mollusc shells.
Nates – the buttocks.
Nubile – sexually mature and attractive; ready for marriage.
Oculate – possessing eyes; relating to or resembling eyes.
Olisbos – a classical term for a dildo.
Orbits – ‘a huge St Bernard dog with orbits like pansies’: the bony cavity of the skull containing the eye; the skin surrounding the eye.
Pacific – of a peaceful nature; tranquil.
Palaepedology – (Geology) the study of soils.
Palatial – resembling a palace in being large and grand.
Parsimonious – excessively sparing or frugal.
Partisan – a fervent supporter or proponent of a cause, person, party or idea.
Pat (adj.) – trite or glib; timely or opportune.
Patrician – a person of refined upbringing, manners and tastes.
Pavonine – of or resembling a peacock or a peacock’s tail.
Pederosis – paedophilia.
Pendant – one of a matched pair; a companion piece.
Pentapod – having five limbs – Nabokov uses this term to emphasise the fact that the relationship between Humbert and Lolita revolved around sex (the ‘fifth limb’ being Humbert’s penis).
Perfunctory – carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.
Perineum – The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.
Pharmocopoeial – a book containing an official list of medicinal drugs and their uses; a collection of drugs.
Philistine – an ignorant person, regarded as being antagonistic to artistic and cultural values.
Philtre – a love potion; a magic potion or charm.
Phocine – of, relating to, or resembling seals.
Pickaninny – an offensive term, now obsolete, for a young black child.
Pollex – Latin for ‘thumb’.
Poltroon – a base coward; a contemptible person.
Potentate – one with the power and position to rule over others; a leader or monarch.
Preprandial – done or taken before dinner.
Priap/Priapus – a minor fertility god of male genitalia, depicted as having an oversized, permanent erection.
Prismatic – of, relating to, or resembling a prism.
Purlieus – the area near or surrounding a place; a person’s usual haunts.
Purling – gently murmuring, as a brook might.
Raffish – unconventional and disreputable in a charming or alluring manner.
Rapacious – aggressively greedy or grasping.
Recueillement (fr.) – contemplation
Rhapsodically – ecstatically, in an ecstatic manner.
Ribald – referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way; bawdy.
Rime – the frost formed on cold objects by the rapid freezing of water vapour.
Roan – (of an animal) having a rich brown coat, sprinkled with white or grey; a creature with a coat of this sort.
Rufous – reddish brown in colour.
Saguaro – a very large cactus with ribbed, upward-curving branches, white funnel-shaped flowers, and edible red fruit.
Sapor – a quality perceptible to the sense of taste; flavour.
Saturnalia – the ancient Roman seven-day festival of Saturn, which began on December 17th; a celebration marked by unrestrained revelry and often licentiousness; an orgy.
Satyr – a mythological woodland creature depicted as a man with the ears, legs and horns of a goat and a fondness for revelry.
Scion – descendant or heir.
Selenian – pertaining to the moon.
Seraglio – a large harem, or sultan’s palace.
Simalacrum – an image or representation; an unreal or vague semblance.
Solipsism – the theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified; the theory or view that the self is the only reality.
Specious – having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious; deceptively attractive.
Sportive – playful, frolicsome; relating to or interested in sports; amorous or wanton.
Supplicate – to ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying; to make a humble entreaty.
Suffuse – to spread through or over, as with liquid, colour or light.
Synchronous – occurring or existing at the same time; moving or operating at the same rate.
Syncope – either the shortening of a word by omission of a sound, letter, or syllable from the middle of the word (for example, e’er for ever); a brief loss of consciousness caused by a temporary deficiency of oxygen in the brain; a swoon.
Tabulate – to arrange in tabular form; condense and list; to cut or form with a plane surface.
Tachycardia – a rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult.
Taciturn – habitually untalkative.
Tricot (fr.) – jumper or vest.
Toiles (fr.) – fabrics, clothes.
Torpid – deprived of the power of motion or feeling, benumbed; dormant, hibernating; lethargic, apathetic.
Torrid – passionate, ardent; hurried, rapid.
Transom – a horizontal dividing bar of wood or stone in a window; a horizontal crosspiece over a door or between a door and a window above it.
Tumescent – swollen; tumescence usually refers to the engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the erectile tissues.
Turpid – foul, base, wicked.
Ululations – a long, wavering, high-pitched sound resembling the howl of a dog or wolf.
Undinist – person who derives sexual pleasure from urination (an undine being a female water spirit).
Uranist – homosexual.
Uvula – a small, conical, fleshy mass of tissue suspended from the center of the soft palate.
Valetudinarian – a sickly or weak person, especially one who is constantly and morbidly concerned with his or her health.
Vapid – lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull; lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat.
Vehement – characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid.
Venery – indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity; the act of sexual intercourse.
Venus febriculosa – a phrase that Nabokov appears to have made up, the meaning of which is ‘feverish Venus’ (Venus being the Roman goddess of love and beauty).
Vermeil – vermilion or a similar bright red colour.
Viatic – relating to travelling; path, way.
Voluptuous – relating to, characterized by, or consisting of pleasures of the body or senses; sensual; disposed, devoted, or addicted to sensual indulgence or luxurious pleasures; provocative and sexually alluring, esp. through shapeliness or fullness.
Wimble – any of numerous hand tools for boring holes.
Winsome – charming, often in a childlike or naive way.
Withal – in addition; besides; as a further factor for consideration.
submitted by God-bear to words [link] [comments]

Structure of bacteria

Structure of bacteria
The agents of human infectious disease bacteria
belong to five major groups of organisms ,and these are fungi, bacteria, protozoa, helminths,and viruses.
Bacteria is present in the prokaryote kingdom.
Depending upon the shape, bacteria are classified into three basic groups, these are cocci, bacilli, spirochetes.
The size of bacteria varies from about 0.2 to 5 μm.

The size of the smallest bacteria (Mycoplasma) and the largest viruses (poxviruses) are almost same.The longest bacteria rods are the size of some yeasts and human RBC.

Cell wall of the bacteria:

This the outermost component which is present in all the bacteria (except Mycoplasma species).

The significance of this complex bacterial cell wall are to protect the protoblasts from external noxae, which then help to withstand and to maintain the osmotic pressure gradient between the cell interior and the extracellular environment, to give the cell it's outer form and to facilitate communication with its surrounding.
Some bacteria have surface features external to the cell wall, such as capsule, flagella and pili.
The cell wall is located external to the cytoplasmic membrane and is made up of peptidoglycan.

Cytoplasmic membrane:

The cytoplasmic membrane is present just inside the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall.It is composed of phospholipid bilayer similar in microscopic appearance to that in eukaryotic cells.

Cytoplasm of bacteria:

When observed through the electron microscope it is seen that the cytoplasm of the bacteria has two distinct areas , these are,
  1. An amorphous matrix, in which ribosomes, nutrient granules, metabolites and plasmids are present.
  2. An inner, nucleoid region which is composed of DNA.


The ribosomes of the bacteria are the place, where protein synthesis takes place, like the eukaryotic cells. But the chemical composition and the size of the bacterial are different from that of eukaryotic ribosomes.
The size of bacterial ribosomes is 70S , and contains 50S and 30S subunits, but the size of the eukaryotic ribosomes are 80S , and it contains 60S and 40S subunits.



This is the area of the cytoplasm in the bacteria in which DNA is located.The DNA which is present in the prokaryotes ,are circular molecule,and which has a molecular weight of about 2 × 10^9 and also contains about 2000 genes.There is resemblance to the eukaryotic nucleus becuse in the nucleoid nuclear membrane, nucleolus ,mitotic spindle, histone are not present.
There is no introns present in the bacterial DNA.


Plasmids are extra chromosomal, double-stranded , circular DNA molecules that are capable of replicating independently of the bacterial chromosome.Although plasmids are usually extra chromosomal, they can be integrated into the bacterial chromosome.In both gram positive and gram negative bacteria plasmids occur, and several different types of plasmid can exist in one cell these are
1.Transmissible plasmids
  1. Neurotransmissible plasmids.


Transposons are prices of DNA , that move fastly from one site to another either within or between the DNAs of bacteria, plasmids and bacteriophages.They are nicknamed as ''jumping genes'' because of their unusual ability to move.Transposons can code for drug resistance enzymes, toxins or a variety of metabolic enzymes and can either cause mutations in the gene into which they insert or alert the expression of nearby genes.There is four identifiable domains present in the transposons


It is a gelatinous layer present surrounding the entire bacterium.The capsule is composed of polysaccharide (except in the anthrax bacillus).The capsule is important because of it's four important role
1.It is determinant of virulence of many bacteria since it limits the ability of phagocytes to engulf the bacteria.
2.By using antiserum against the capsular polysaccharides , specific identification of an organisms can be made.
3.In certain vaccines capsular polysaccharides are used as antigens , because of their role in eliciting protective antibodies.
4.In the adherence of bacteria to the human tissues, capsule has an important role, which is an important primary step in causing infections.


Flagella are long, whip-like appendages that help in the movement of bacteria toward nutrient and other attractants,a process which is known as chemotaxis.The long filament, which acts as a propeller,is composed of many subunits of a single protein,flagellin.
Flagellated bacteria have a characteristic number and location of flagella.
Flagella are medially important for two reasons
1.Some species of motile bacteria are common causes of urinary tract infections.
2.Some species of bacteria are identified in the clinical laboratory by the use of specific antibodies against flagellar proteins.


Pili are hair like filaments that extend from the cell surface.They are shorter and straighter than flagella,and are made up of pilin.
Pili have two main role:
1.They regulate the attachment of bacteria with the specific receptor present on the human cell surface.
2.A specialized kind of pilus,the sex pilus, forms the attachment between the male and the female bacteria during conjugation.

Glycocalyx(Slime layer) of bacteria:

It is a polysaccharide coating that is secreted by many bacteria. The glycocalyx is an important component of biofilms.
The glycocalyx mediates adherence of certain bacteria.

Bacterial spores:

These highly resistance structures are formed in response to adverse conditions by two genera of medially important gram positive rods: the genus Bacillus and the genus Clostridium.

submitted by Biologyseba to biology [link] [comments]

I'm a biology student who loves the game and here is my interpretation of how the infection first began!

Hello, I'm a biology student who loves the game and based on the following evidence I have drawn a few conclusions, but before I get into those, yes I know it's just a game and yes I know I'm reading too deep into it, but I did this for fun and wanted to share:
Supply drops are a sign of existing infrastructure. Or maybe it's automated with no one flying it, remaining in service after all other services have died off or been shut down.
Zombies don't freeze in the cold and need to rest, so they are alive.
The infection affects humans and other animals, so the infection is zoonotic.
Anti-biotics help cure the infection. So the infection is not a virus, but rather a bacteria.
The infection spreads via bites. sratches, and lives in the blood.
The bacteria who closely matches all these mentioned criteria is Capnocytophaga. A bacterial disease that lives in dog's mouths spreads through saliva, most often via bites. The bacteria, if given the right circumstances can infect the blood and can progress to become systemic. The only reason it rarely is a lethal hazard is due to how slow it reproduces....DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN
Patient Zero monologue:
"'UN imposes sanctions on anti-biotics as rise of superbugs poses worldwide crisis'
And that's how the end began. That one headline forced the entire scientific and medical community to scramble like roaches on bathroom tile. Antibiotics had been our go-to cure for so many ailments, but all of a sudden our go-to was forced into being a last resort. Antibiotics could only be prescribed if there was a lethal threat. So what then? What would people be prescribed for their stomach ache? Or, god forbid, someone has to deal with a stuffy nose? The horror.
Millions of dollars went into funding genetic research. It was the most promising foe to face the villainous bacteria.The most effective technique was dubbed, 'Conjugation Elimination.' If you don't know, conjugation is the act of a bacteria piercing another bacteria, with a special part called a pilus, that injects a copy of genetic material. The recipient bacteria is then able to utilize that material. In simpler terms, bacteria 1 stabs bacteria 2 with a sillystraw and blows a load into bacteria 2, now bacteria 2 is genetically different than it was before. Conjugation Elimination takes advantage of this event by designing bacteria with the pilus, but that transfers two different genes. One gene to posses the pilus and one gene that inhibits reproduction. Before long, the mass population of bacteria in a host would be incapable of reproduction and die off.
Pretty soon this was the ultimate technique to cure all things bacteria related. And it was a fortune if you didn't have insurance. We lucky few who's government had decided health was a privilege had to pay arm and leg for these treatments. Damn pharmaceuticals were all over patenting specific bacteria treatments.
It all seemed so easy. All you had to do was inject some DNA into a bacteria cell and you had a cure. How could you mess that up? How could I have made this...It was easy for the most part to get everything I needed to do my own genetic engineering. It started off as me making some E-coli glow or making a bacteria explode when it came in contact with water. And then Arrow got sick, he was a bit older, sure, but he was my dog. I figured he had a Capnocytophaga bacterial infection in his mouth. No problem, I've made E-coli glow, I could recreate Conjugation Elimination. It may have been a felony to conduct genetic engineering without a permit, but all I needed to know were the genetic sequnces for the pilus and the gene that inhibits preproduction. Easy...Days spent in my dimly lit at-home lab, hunched over my microscope, sweat pooling in the optic lenses as my shakey hands forced a syringe into each bacteria cell. All for Arrow. Finaly I had a full batch, so I injected the modified bacteria into his left flank. All I had to do was go to sleep and awake to see my efforts being paid off. I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow. I was so exhausted.
I just remember some surreal fever dream-like images from that night's sleep. Everything was red, and I remember feeling so hungry that I would eat anything. I was so excited to see Arrow back in his prime. But what I saw made my heart fall to the floor. The injection site was blistering and putrid. My poor Arrow had a think yellow slime-like foam coming from his mouth as he lay in the exact position I left him. His breathing was eradic and extremely elevated. What had I done? I must have done something wrong with the gene to inhibit reproduction. It must have increased reproduction at least ten fold. In my horror and sorrow I pet his head, pushing his ears back, his eye piercing my sole as if he was asking me, 'why?' I grabbed a near by rag to wipe away the slime from his mouth. And before I could react, he bit me, his canines went clean through my palm.
I screamed and tried prying my hand free from the slimey grasp that was Arrow's mouth. I ran to my room as fast as I could and shut the door behind me. I could hear Arrow clawing away at the wood of my door. So I just sat there back against the door, terrified of my own dog and of what I had done.
I couldn't call for help, or else I could face prison time. I've been here for hours now trying to devise a plan to somehow make it out of here alive without hurting my dog anymore. But my vision is getting blurry, my fingers are tingling, and my mucus is so thick I can barely breath. I'm so sorry Arrow. What have I done?"
submitted by MasterSlimFat to 7daystodie [link] [comments]

Vancomycin Resistance is Overcome by Conjugation of Polycationic Peptides

Resistance is futile: By site‐specific conjugation polycationic peptides were conjugated to vancomycin. Derivatives that bear the peptide moiety at four different sites of the antibiotic were synthesized. The most potent compounds exhibited an approximately 1000‐fold increased antimicrobial activity and were able to overcome the most important types of vancomycin resistance.


Multidrug‐resistant bacteria represent one of the biggest challenges facing modern medicine. The increasing prevalence of glycopeptide resistance compromises the efficacy of vancomycin, for a long time considered as the last resort for the treatment of resistant bacteria. To reestablish its activity, polycationic peptides were conjugated to vancomycin. By site‐specific conjugation, derivatives that bear the peptide moiety at four different sites of the antibiotic were synthesized. The most potent compounds exhibited an approximately 1000‐fold increased antimicrobial activity and were able to overcome the most important types of vancomycin resistance. Additional blocking experiments using d‐Ala‐d‐Ala revealed a mode of action beyond inhibition of cell‐wall formation. The antimicrobial potential of the lead candidate FU002 for bacterial infection treatments could be demonstrated in an in vivo study. Molecular imaging and biodistribution studies revealed that conjugation engenders superior pharmacokinetics.
submitted by TomisMeMyselfandI to ACIE [link] [comments]

Vancomycin Resistance is Overcome by Conjugation of Polycationic Peptides

Multidrug‐resistant bacteria represent one of the biggest challenges facing modern medicine. The development of resistances results in an exhaustion of the pool of antibacterial substances, mostly natural products that have been perfected by evolution to a dedicated target. The increasing prevalence of glycopeptide resistance compromises the efficacy of vancomycin, for a long time considered as the last resort for the treatment of resistant bacteria. In order to reestablish its activity, polycationic peptides were conjugated to vancomycin. By site‐specific conjugation, derivatives that bear the peptide moiety at four different sites of the antibiotic were synthesized. The most potent compounds exhibited an approximately 1,000‐fold increased antimicrobial activity and were able to overcome the most important types of vancomycin resistance. Additional blocking experiments using D‐Ala‐D‐Ala revealed the prevalence of a mode of action beyond cell wall inhibition. As further highlight, the antimicrobial potential of the lead candidate FU002 for bacterial infection treatments could be demonstrated in an in vivo efficacy study. Furthermore, molecular imaging and biodistribution studies revealed that conjugation engenders superior pharmacokinetics. These findings show that medicinal chemistry enables the preservation of seasoned compounds, a fundamentally new approach which avoids the interminable work of de novo antibiotic development.
submitted by TomisMeMyselfandI to ACIE [link] [comments]

Machine-learning invented antibiotic

A machine learning algorithm has identified an antibiotic that kills E. coli and many other disease-causing bacteria, including some strains that are resistant to all known antibiotics. To test it, mice were infected on purpose with A. baumannii and C. difficile and the antibiotic cleared the mice of both infections.
"The computer model, which can screen more than a hundred million chemical compounds in a matter of days, is designed to pick out potential antibiotics that kill bacteria using different mechanisms than those of existing drugs."
"The researchers also identified several other promising antibiotic candidates, which they plan to test further. They believe the model could also be used to design new drugs, based on what it has learned about chemical structures that enable drugs to kill bacteria."
"The machine learning model can explore, in silico, large chemical spaces that can be prohibitively expensive for traditional experimental approaches."
"Over the past few decades, very few new antibiotics have been developed, and most of those newly approved antibiotics are slightly different variants of existing drugs." "We're facing a growing crisis around antibiotic resistance, and this situation is being generated by both an increasing number of pathogens becoming resistant to existing antibiotics, and an anemic pipeline in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries for new antibiotics."
"The researchers designed their model to look for chemical features that make molecules effective at killing E. coli. To do so, they trained the model on about 2,500 molecules, including about 1,700 FDA-approved drugs and a set of 800 natural products with diverse structures and a wide range of bioactivities."
"Once the model was trained, the researchers tested it on the Broad Institute's Drug Repurposing Hub, a library of about 6,000 compounds. The model picked out one molecule that was predicted to have strong antibacterial activity and had a chemical structure different from any existing antibiotics. Using a different machine-learning model, the researchers also showed that this molecule would likely have low toxicity to human cells."
"This molecule, which the researchers decided to call halicin, after the fictional artificial intelligence system from '2001: A Space Odyssey,' has been previously investigated as possible diabetes drug. The researchers tested it against dozens of bacterial strains isolated from patients and grown in lab dishes, and found that it was able to kill many that are resistant to treatment, including Clostridium difficile, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The drug worked against every species that they tested, with the exception of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a difficult-to-treat lung pathogen."
"Preliminary studies suggest that halicin kills bacteria by disrupting their ability to maintain an electrochemical gradient across their cell membranes. This gradient is necessary, among other functions, to produce ATP (molecules that cells use to store energy), so if the gradient breaks down, the cells die. This type of killing mechanism could be difficult for bacteria to develop resistance to, the researchers say."
"The researchers found that E. coli did not develop any resistance to halicin during a 30-day treatment period. In contrast, the bacteria started to develop resistance to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin within one to three days, and after 30 days, the bacteria were about 200 times more resistant to ciprofloxacin than they were at the beginning of the experiment."
The way the system works is, they developed a "directed message passing neural network", open sourced as "Chemprop", that learns to predict molecular properties directly from the graph structure of the molecule, where atoms are represented as nodes and bonds are represented as edges. For every molecule, the molecular graph corresponding to each compound's simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) string was reconstructed, and the set of atoms and bonds determined using an open-source package called RDKit. From this a feature vector describing each atom and bond was computed, with the number of bonds for each atom, formal charge, chirality, number of bonded hydrogens, hybridization, aromaticity, atomic mass, bond type for each bond (single/double/triple/aromatic), conjugation, ring membership, and stereochemistry. "Aromatic" refers to rings of bonds. "Conjugation" refers to those chemistry diagrams you see where they look like alternating single and double (or sometimes triple) bonds -- what's going on here is the molecule has connected p orbitals with electrons that move around. "Stereochemistry" refers to the fact that molecules with the same formula can form different "stereoisomers", which have different 3D arrangements that are mirror images of each other.
From here, and the reason the system is called "directed message passing", the model applies a series of message passing steps where it aggregates information from neighboring atoms and bonds to build an understanding of local chemistry. "On each step of message passing, each bond's featurization is updated by summing the featurization of neighboring bonds, concatenating the current bond's featurization with the sum, and then applying a single neural network layer with non-linear activation. After a fixed number of message-passing steps, the learned featurizations across the molecule are summed to produce a single featurization for the whole molecule. Finally, this featurization is fed through a feed-forward neural network that outputs a prediction of the property of interest. Since the property of interest in our application was the binary classification of whether a molecule inhibits the growth of E. coli, the model is trained to output a number between 0 and 1, which represents its prediction about whether the input molecule is growth inhibitory."
The system has additional optimizations including 200 additional molecule-level features computed with RDKit to overcome the problem that the message passing paradigm works for local chemistry, it does not do well with global molecular features, and this is especially true the larger the molecule gets and the larger the number of message-passing hops involved.
They used a Bayesian hyperparameter optimization system, which optimized such things as the number of hidden and feed-forward layers in the neural network and the amount of dropout (a regularization technique) involved.
On top of that they used ensembling, which in this case involved independently training several copies of the same model and combining their output. They used an ensemble of 20 models.
The training set was 2,335 molecules, with 120 of them having "growth inhibitory" effects against E. coli.
Once trained, the system was set loose on the Drug Repurposing Hub library, which was 6,111 molecules, the WuXi anti-tuberculosis library, which was 9,997 molecules, and parts of the ZINC15 database thought to contain likely antibiotic molecules, which was 107,349,233 molecules.
A final set of 6,820 compounds was found, and further reduced using the scikit-learn random forest and support vector machine classifiers.
To predict the toxicity of the molecules, they retrained Chemprop on a different training set, called the ClinTox dataset. This dataset has 1,478 molecules with clinical trial toxicity and FDA approval status. Once this model was made it was used to test the toxicity of the candidate antibiotic molecules.
At that point they hit the lab and started growing E. coli on 96 flat-bottomed assay plates. 63 molecules were tested. The chemical they named halicin did the best and went on to further testing against other bacteria and in mice.
submitted by waynerad to u/waynerad [link] [comments]

A Chemical Probe for Dehydrobutyrine

Putting Dhb on the MAP (kinase): Bacterial effector proteins selectively install electrophilic moieties onto host proteins during pathogenesis, for example, introducing dehydrobutyrine (Dhb) in place of phosphothreonine residues, which impairs signaling through the mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Phosphine nucleophiles conjugated to affinity handles were found to be excellent chemical probes that can label the resulting Dhb‐modified substrates.


Bacterial phosphothreonine lyases, or phospholyases, catalyze a unique post‐translational modification that introduces dehydrobutyrine (Dhb) or dehydroalanine (Dha) in place of phosphothreonine or phosphoserine residues, respectively. We report the use of a phospha‐Michael reaction to label proteins and peptides modified with Dha or Dhb. We demonstrate that a nucleophilic phosphine probe is able to modify Dhb‐containing proteins and peptides that were recalcitrant to reaction with thiol or amine nucleophiles under mild aqueous conditions. Furthermore, we used this reaction to detect multiple Dhb‐modified proteins in mammalian cell lysates, including histone H3, a previously unknown target of phospholyases. This method should prove useful for identifying new phospholyase targets, profiling the biomarkers of bacterial infection, and developing enzyme‐mediated strategies for bioorthogonal labeling in living cells.
submitted by TomisMeMyselfandI to ACIE [link] [comments]

More Lab Diagnostics, No Physician Needed! Organics Acid Test -- Nutritional & Metabolic Profile

As with the Stool Test, My Labs for Life (USA) will send your sample to Great Plains Laboratory (USA) for analysis. Also, I meant to type "Organic Acids Test" in the headline but unable to change it now.
Organic Acids Testing
What in the world is an Organic Acids Test? See below from Great Plains Laboratory:


Organic acids are chemical compounds excreted in the urine of mammals that are products of metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of chemical reactions in living beings by which the body builds new molecules and breaks down molecules to eliminate waste products and produce energy. Organic acids are organic compounds that are acidic. Organic acids are substances in which carbon and hydrogen are always present but which may also contain the elements of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus as well.
The names of most organic acids contain the suffix –ic, followed by the word “acid” such as lactic acid. Every organic acid has one or more conjugate bases named with the suffix –ate. Thus, the conjugate base of lactic acid is lactate. Many times, the name of the organic acid and its conjugate base(s) are used interchangeably when discussing physiology and biochemistry, such as lactate or lactic acid. The most common chemical groups associated with organic acids are carboxylic acids which are present in the conjugate base form at neutral pH, 7.0, the pH of the inside of most living cells. Organic acids with one carboxylic acid have one conjugate base while some organic acids may have two or three carboxylic acids and two or three conjugate bases.


Almost all organic acids used for human testing are measured by a combination of gas or liquid chromatography linked with mass spectrometry. Organic acids are most commonly analyzed in urine because they are not extensively reabsorbed in the kidney tubules after glomerular filtration. Thus, organic acids in urine are often present at 100 times their concentration in the blood serum and thus are more readily detected in urine. This is why organic acids are rarely tested in blood or serum. The number of organic acids found in urine is enormous. Over 1,000 different organic acids have been detected in urine since this kind of testing started.


Many genetic disorders are caused by the production of an inefficient enzyme that reacts at a slower than usual rate, resulting in an accumulation of a metabolic intermediate. More than 50 phenotypically different organic acidemias are now known since the oldest known disease, isovaleric aci­demia, was described in 1966. An organic acid is any compound that generates protons at the prevailing pH of human blood. Although some organic acidemias result in lowered blood pH, other organic acidemias are associated with organic acids that are relatively weak and do not typically cause acidosis. Organic acidemias are disorders of intermediary metabolism that lead to the accumulation of toxic compounds that derange multiple intracellular biochemical pathways including glucose catabolism (glycolysis), glucose synthesis (gluconeogenesis), amino acid and ammonia metabolism, purine and pyrimidine metabolism, and fat metabolism. The accumulation of an organic acid in cells and fluids (plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, or urine) leads to a disease called organic acidemia or organic aciduria.
Clinical presentations of organic acidemias vary widely and may include failure to thrive, intellectual development disorders, hypo- or hyperglycemia, encephalopathy, lethargy, hyperactivity, seizures, dermatitis, dysmorphic facial features, microcephaly, macrocephaly, anemia and/or immune deficiency with frequent infections, ketosis and/or lactic acidosis, hearing, speech, or visual impairment, peripheral neuropathy, sudden cardiorespiratory arrest, nau­sea and coma. Many organic acidemias are associated with slight to marked increases in plasma ammonia. Some organic acidemias may be chronic and present in the first few days of life. In others, such as medium chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency, a child might appear completely normal until a potentially fatal episode of cardiorespiratory arrest.
Many other non-genetic factors can also alter human metabolism. Toxic amounts of the drug acetaminophen and other toxic chemicals can use up a key molecule, glutathione, that helps the body detoxify, leading to the overproduction of the organic acid pyroglutamic acid. Tumors of the adrenal gland called pheochromacytomas can cause the overproduction of the neurotransmitter epinephrine, resulting in marked increases in its metabolite, vanillylmandelic acid (VMA). Genetic diseases of the mitochondria, the cell’s energy source, as well as toxic chemicals that disrupt mitochondrial function cause elevation of succinic acid. Succinic acid is a key intermediate of both the Kreb’s cycle and the electron transport chain that generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the currency for most of the body’s energy transactions.
A number of organic acids directly or indirectly indicate deficiencies of critical vitamins such as vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and others. One of the most important uses of the organic acids test is as an indicator of dysbiosis, an abnormal overgrowth of yeast and bacteria in the intestinal tract. Some of these bacterial byproducts from the intestine enter the blood stream and may alter the metabolism of neurotransmitters such as dopamine.

Organic Acids Test (OAT)Nutritional & Metabolic Profile


The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health with 76 markers. It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria.
Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine. The cause of these high levels could include oral antibiotic use, high sugar diets, immune deficiencies, acquired infections, as well as genetic factors.
Our Organic Acids Test also includes markers for vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, and is the only OAT to include markers for oxalates, which are highly correlated with many chronic illnesses.
If abnormalities are detected using the OAT, treatments can include supplements, such as vitamins and antioxidants, or dietary modification. Upon treatment, patients and practitioners have reported significant improvement such as decreased fatigue, regular bowel function, increased energy and alertness, increased concentration, improved verbal skills, less hyperactivity, and decreased abdominal pain. The OAT is strongly recommended as the initial screening test.
The Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) is ideal for follow-up to the OAT and is often recommended by practitioners looking for a specific abnormality, to monitor certain microbial imbalances, or to assess treatment efficacy.


Urine: 10 mL of first morning urine before food or drink is suggested. Patient should avoid apples, grapes (including raisins), pears, cranberries and their juices 48 hours prior to specimen collection. Avoid arabinogalactan, echinacea, reishi mushrooms, and ribose supplements for 48 hours before collection.
submitted by gh959489 to AltProstateDisease [link] [comments]

Preliminary Characterization of a Nisin Z Bacteriocin with Activity Against the Fish Pathogen Streptococcus iniae- Juniper Publishers


This is a preliminary characterisation of a bacteriocin, BacL49 produced by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis. This bacteriocin is significant due to its activity against Streptococcus iniae, a bacterial pathogen causing severe economic losses in the global aquaculture of various fish. Spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays were used to test antagonistic activity of the bacteriocin. BacL49 is heat and pH stable (100 °C for 60min, pH 2.5-9.5), and sensitive to proteinase K, a-chymotrypsin, trypsin and papain. BacL49 has a bactericidal mode of action and is produced during late log phase growth. BacL49 exhibits a broad activity spectrum against S. iniae, antagonising 93.75% (45/48) of S. iniae isolates collected from a variety of hosts and environments. The apparent molecular masses of the active protein components determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis are 5 and 54kDa. Molecular analyses were performed to locate the genetic determinants of BacL49. PCR of chromosomal DNA successfully amplified the structural gene encoding the precursor of nisin. Subsequent analysis of nucleotide sequences of the PCR products revealed it to be identical to the nis Z structural gene of nisin Z. There is a paucity of reports examining the inhibition of S. iniae by a lactococcal bacteriocin or even L. lactis as an aquacultural probiotic. This is one of the first studies to identify nisin genes in a strain of L. lactis exhibiting activity against S. iniae. BacL49 is a candidate biocontrol agent for mitigation of this important fish pathogen.
Keywords: Bacteriocin; Lactococcus lactis; Probiotic; Streptococcus iniae; Nisin Z
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Streptococcus iniae is one of the most economically important bacterial pathogens causing streptococcosis in fish. Globally, economic damages have been in excess of US$100 million per year [1] with as much as 70% loss in annual production in certain fish cultures [2]. S. iniae causes disease and mortality in at least 30 species of fish in marine, brackish and freshwater environments [3,4]. Outbreaks of S. iniae typically occur in warm-water, cultured situations throughout the world including Australia, Bahrain, Israel, Japan, Korea, Spain, Italy, and the United States [4,5-10]. Epizootic incidents have also been reported in wild populations [11,12], the most notable being the 1999 and 2008 Caribbean fish kills [13,14]. Zoonotic infections of S. iniae, normally caused by percutaneous injuries sustained during raw seafood preparations, have been reported in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States [15]. Prevention and treatment of S. iniae in aquaculture remains difficult, particularly with the industry seeking safer alternatives to antibiotics and vaccines. Antibiotics, including erythromycin have previously been successful in treating streptococcus is in fish [16]. Nonetheless, the use of antibiotics in aquaculture is gradually being eschewed due to widespread development of antibiotic resistance in the environment and in cultured fish, which causes consumer concern [16-18]. In some cases, antibiotics are also believed to merely suppress clinical symptoms without eliminating the infection, thereby promoting the development of "carrier fish" [1].
Research devoted to creating effective vaccines for prevention of S. iniae suffered a major setback when a novel serotype of S. iniae caused severe outbreaks in Israel amongst vaccinated rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [19,20]. Since then, commercial vaccines against S. iniae have been marketed, but are very limited geographically [21,22]. Alternative vaccines have yielded successful results but are still undergoing testing [2325]. In spite of this progress, the task of effectively vaccinati Oceanogr Fish Open Access J 3(2): OFOAJ.MS.ID.555610 (2017) each individual can be tedious, expensive, and even stressful for the fish [26]. Vaccinations can be futile when applied to juvenile fish that may not be fully immunocompetent [27]. Additionally, S. iniae is capable of surviving in the aquatic environment without a host [11,28,29] and this was speculated to have been a factor in the evolution of the new serotype by allowing the bacterium to evade the immune response of the vaccinated fish [19]. Furthermore, the outbreak in Israel is evidence of serotype diversity that could enable S. iniae to eventually overcome yet another vaccine. Thus, the quest continues for a long-term solution that can be universally and easily applied throughout the aquaculture industry [25]. Chemical-free "green solutions" appear to be the next era of therapeutics for preventing bacterial epizootics in fish [17]. Probiotics, either in the form of whole cells or cell components such as bacteriocins, are anticipated as being effective replacements for antibiotics and chemotherapeutics to fight infectious diseases [30]. Bacteriocins are a group of proteinaceous molecules that are biologically active against bacteria that are closely related to the bacteriocin producer, while the producer is immune [31-33]. Ubiquitous across all bacterial genera, these ribosomally synthesized peptides confer a selective advantage to their producers [31,32,34]. Bacteriocins are recognized as potentially useful agents in the control of bacterialinfections due to their effectiveness, non-toxicity and relatively cheap production [32,35,36]. Only two published studies on bacteriocins have tested S. iniae as an indicator species [37,38].
An inhibitory substance, identified as bacteriocin BacL49, was found during experimentation with the library of S. iniae and other aquatic bacteria from James Cook University (JCU). The bacteriocin was produced by a strain of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and was observed to inhibit a large spectrum of S. iniae isolates. L. lactis, along with the rest of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are considered the most prolific of all the Gram-positive bacteriocinogens [32,39]. A versatile species, variousstrains of L. lactis can produce an assortment of bacteriocins that are predominantly encoded on plasmids [40-43]. Some L. lactis strains produce the bacteriocin nisin, a small (<5kDa), membrane-active member of the Lantibiotic class of LAB bacteriocins capable of antagonistic activity towards a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria [44-46]. Nisin is heat-tolerant (115-121 °C) at low pH levels, making it an ideal preservative in pasteurised and acidic food products [45,46]. Being "generally regarded as safe," nisin has achieved worldwide recognition as a non-toxic food additive in over 50 countries [31,32,45]. As produced by various strains of L. lactis, nisin occurs as natural variants with designations A, Z, Q, and F [47-49]. 106 Unlike most plasmid-encoded bacteriocins produced by L. lactis, nisin is encoded on a conjugative transposon [50-52], a chromosomally- associated segment of DNA with the capacity to repeatedly insert into and mobilise plasmids and genomes [52,53]. Thus, one objective of this study was to identify the genetic determinants of the bacteriocin BacL49 through assessing the prevalence of plasmids in L. lactis subsp. lactis L49 and examining the bacterial chromosomal DNA for nisin genes. This study also provides a brief characterisation of bacteriocin BacL49 and highlights the potential of this substance as a green solution for S. iniae infections in fish.
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Materials And Methods

Source and identification of BacL49 producer. A lawn of S. iniae AS-04-1524#1 (JCU isolate S42; Table 1) was observed as a mixed culture, with one distinct colony type antagonizing the growth of the other. Both isolates were identified using a PCR assay for the lactate oxidase (lctO) gene of S. iniae using the primer combination LOX-1/LOX-2 [54], and a 16S rDNA PCR assay using universal primers 27F/1492R. PCR products were cleaned and sequenced by Macrogen Inc. (Korea). The 16S PCR assay returned a sequence 99% identical to Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis in BLAST. According to sequencing, the antagonizing bacterium was identified as L. lactis L49, originally isolated from a moribund sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus) at JCU. The inhibitory substance produced by L. lactis L49 was designated as BacL49.
*Altered TAAHL accession number. Changes were made for unknown reasons by previous researchers; it is likely these isolates are from the correct animal accession but the final number has been altered (ie. -9 and -11). **Invalid TAAHL accession number.
Bacterial growth and isolation of BacL49. Unless otherwise stated, bacteria were propagated aerobically at 28 °C in heart infusion broth (HIB) or agar (HIA) produced by the addition of 1.5% technical agar to HIB. Bacterial lawns were made by seeding HIA plates with 1ml overnight growth of bacteria, removing excess culture and allowing lawns to dry at room temperature. To produce cell-free supernatant (cfs) containing BacL49, L. lactis L49 was grown aerobically at 28 °C for 10-12h, then centrifuged at 4300g for 5min and filtered through 0.45|im. Aliquots of cfs were stored at 4 °C.
135 Assays for antagonistic activity. The activity of L. lactis L49 against 48 isolates of S. iniae (Table 1) was determined by an altered deferred antagonism method [55]. Briefly, an overnight L. lactis L49 culture was streaked in a single line on an HIA plate with a sterile loop. Bacterial isolates and a control of uninoculated broth were then streaked with sterile loops in parallel at right angles to L49. Zones of inhibition were measured after incubation for 16h. For interest, streak plates were made to determine the activity of L. lactis L49 against B antibiotic resistant human pathogens including E. coli B597, E. coli 53e, community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. For these human isolates, one plate was incubated at 37 °C with CO2 and the other was incubated aerobically at 37 °C to ensure sufficient growth of the pathogens. Zones of inhibition were measured after 24h.
146 Antagonistic activity of BacL49 was detected qualitatively on solid media using a spot-on-lawn assay [56]. Antagonistic activity was quantified in liquid media using a modified microtitre plate assay [57]. The indicator culture was grown to an optical density of approximately 0.2 measured at 540nm, and added to two-fold dilutions of the growth medium or cfs (treated or untreated) in duplicate 96-well round bottom plates. Plates were incubated aerobically for 3h at 28 °C and the optical density measured. Antagonistic activity was defined as the reciprocal of the dilution causing 50% growth inhibition (determined by optical density) relative to the control culture without cfs (AU = arbitrary units). S. iniae S23 was used as the indicator strain for all spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays due to its high level of sensitivity to BacL49.
Effect of heat, pH and enzymes on BacL49 activity. To determine the heat stability of BacL49 activity, cfs samples (pH 5) were heated at 100 °C for 10, 20, 30 and 60min. Samples were cooled to room temperature before spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays. To determine the effect of pH on BacL49 activity, cfs samples were adjusted to pH levels between 1.5 and 9.5 using 1N NaOH or HCl. Samples were incubated with agitation for 2h, then readjusted to pH 5 (the pH level of untreated cfs following incubation) before spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays. To determine the effect of different enzymes on BacL49 activity, cfs samples were adjusted to pH 7.0 and treated to a final concentration of 2mg ml-1 with the following enzymes: proteinase K (40 units mg-1), a-chymotrypsin (59.3 units mg- 1), trypsin (2.6 units mg-1), pepsin, papain (19 units mg-1), and catalase (1340 units mg-1). Samples were incubated at 37 °C with agitation for 2h, then at 100 °C for 5min to deactivate enzymes. Remaining antagonistic activity was measured using the spot- on-lawn assay. An untreated cfs sample was used as a control in all assays.
170 Kinetics of production and activity. The kinetics of BacL49 production by L. lactis L49 were investigated by measuring the growth of the bacterium and activity of BacL49 produced over the same period. Overnight growth of L. lactis L49 was added to HIB (3.75% volume) and the culture was incubated with agitation. The optical density of the culture was measured at 600nm every hour until 12h, then periodically to 28h. At each reading, 1ml culture was removed to produce cfs, which was stored at 4 °C. Antagonistic activity was measured using a spot- on-lawn assay following the collection of all cfs samples.
The activity of BacL49 was determined as either bacteriostatic or bactericidal by measuring the growth of indicator strain S. iniae S23 after the addition of BacL49. Early log-phase growth of the indicator strain was distributed into triplicate 10ml aliquots. One ml of cfs was added to two indicator cultures and HIB was added to the remaining control culture. Optical density was measured at 600nm over 24h. To measure cell viability in a treated culture, mid log-phase growth of the indicator strain was distributed into duplicate 10ml aliquots. One ml cfs was added to one aliquot and HIB was added to the control. Optical density measurements at 600nm were taken over time and 10-fold serial dilutions were grown on HIA to measure cell forming units (cfu) of the indicator strain in both cultures at 48h.
Protein purification. L. lactis L49 was grown overnight in HIB previously filtered through Millipore type HA filters (to remove unwanted proteins from the media). A portion of the cfs produced from this culture was treated with ammonium sulphate in two stages. For the primary precipitation, saturated ammonium sulphate solution was slowly added to 100ml cfs while stirring to 60% saturation at room temperature. The solution was agitated 12h at 4 °C, then centrifuged at 4500g for 30min at 4 °C. The precipitate was resuspended in 10ml sterile distilled water. A small portion was removed and stored at 4 °C for the activity assay. Saturated ammonium sulphate solution was added to the remaining primary solution while stirring to 80% saturation at RT. This solution was agitated 12h at 4 °C, then centrifuged at 4500g for 30min at 4 °C. The secondary precipitate was resuspended in 1ml (1% original volume) sterile distilled water and stored at 4 °C. The activity of the ammonium sulphate precipitated (primary and secondary) proteins was tested with a microtitre plate assay.
Approximate molecular size of BacL49 was determined by tris-tricine sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Aliquots of the partially purified protein samples and untreated cfs were prepared with TruSep tricine SDS sample buffer and run on 16% tris-tricine gels with a low MW prestained protein ladder (Fermentas, Australia) at a constant 150V. Gels were silver stained using a Silver Stain Plus staining kit (BioRad, Australia) according to the manufacturer's protocol 208.
Proteins separated by SDS PAGE were eluted from the gel using a modified protocol from Busarcevic et al. [58]. Following agitation at room temperature overnight, the eluted samples were centrifuged at 10,000g for 5min and the supernatants concentrated by vacuum at 33 °C for 20min. Two controls were used: one elution made with a slice of gel from an unused well lane (containing no protein) and one with elution buffer only. Eluted samples were assayed for antimicrobial activity with a spot-on-lawn assay.
DNA purification. Isolation of plasmid DNA was carried out using the Wizard® Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System (Promega, Australia). Low-copy number plasmids were assumed for all strains. Genomic DNA isolations were carried out using the High Pure PCR Prep Kit (Roche, Australia) for the detection of nisin structural genes. DNA isolation procedures were performed according manufacturer specifications with the addition of a lysozyme step for Gram-positive bacteria. Negative control preparations contained no bacterial culture.
DNA products were resolved by electrophoresis on agarose gels stained with GelRedTM and then visualised under UV light. Since L. lactis strains often harbour a wide size-range (2kb to about 100kb) of plasmids (Teuber and Geis, 2006), plasmid DNA products were visualised using two different DNA ladders. These included the 1kb GeneRulerTM (Fermentas, Australia) used with 1% (w/v) agarose gels at 90V and the Lambda Mix Marker 19 (Fermentas, Australia) used with 0.5% (w/v) agarose gels at 40V.
PCR analysis of the nisin gene. Oligonucleotide primers (Macrogen, Korea) were designed using the NCBI-ORF Finder and OLIGO 7 primer analysis software (Table 2) to target the nis A structural gene. Genomic DNA samples were prepared for PCR using GoTaq® Green master mix (Promega, Australia). As L. lactis L53 was found to contain a plasmid (results not shown), this isolate was included in the procedure. For negative controls, a tube of reaction mix containing indicator strain S. iniae S23 and one without sample DNA were included for the nisin structural gene protocol, and for the PCR protocol, respectively. DNA was amplified in a thermocycler (Eppendorf, Australia) set for denaturation at 94 °C, annealing at 55 °C and extension at 72 °C. PCR products were visualised on 2% (w/v) agarose gels at 120V, along with a 50bp GeneRulerTM (Fermentas, Australia). Sequence information (Macrogen, Korea) of the PCR products was analysed using Sequencher® 5.0 software. The resulting consensus sequences were compared to DNA and protein sequences contained in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database via BLAST search of "highly similar" sequences.
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L. lactis L49 produced antagonistic activity against 93.75% (45/48) of S. iniae isolates in the JCU library (Figure 1). L. lactis L49 failed to inhibit the growth of isolates S32, S39, S47 and the human pathogens tested. Antagonistic activity of BacL49 remained following 60min at 100 °C and over a broad pH range (pH 2.5-9.5), though activity was weaker at pH levels higher than 5.5 (Table 3). The cfs also showed antagonistic activity against the indicator after exposure to pepsin and catalase, but lost activity when exposed to proteinase K, a-chymotrypsin, trypsin and papain. L. lactis L49 began producing BacL49 at the end of the log growth phase (Figure 2). BacL49 production reached a maximum at early stationary phase, but began to drop following600min growth and continued to decrease to the end of 24h.
Activity measured as present (+) or absent (-) for enzyme tests. Absence antagonistic activity (-) correlates to senstivity (s) to the enzyme tested, and antagonism of the indicator (+) correlates to resistance (r) to the enzyme tested; Cfs: Cell Free Supernatant.
A Growth of the indicator strain was not only inhibited following the addition of BacL49, but the optical density of the culture continued to drop steadily over time without recovery, while the control culture grew normally to a high optical density. The cell viability of the treated indicator culture dropped 10fold in the first 30min following the addition of BacL49 and continued to drop over 70min while the control culture cfu increased 10-fold.
Ammonium sulphate precipitation successfully concentrated the bacteriocin (Table 3). The primary precipitate showed 8 times the activity (in AU) of the untreated cfs and the secondary precipitate showed at least 64 times the activity of the untreated cfs (1/512 was the highest dilution made of the substances tested in the microtitre assay).
Tris-tricine SDS PAGE allowed separation of the low molecular weight proteins, and multiple protein bands were clarified after silver staining of the gel (Figure 3). Following elution of proteins from the tris-tricine gel slices, only minor antagonistic activity was produced on the indicator strain by the small molecular weight band (5kDa) but strong antagonism was produced by the large molecular weight (54kDa) band.
Following plasmid extraction, DNA samples of L49 showed faint bands that were too unremarkable to be denoted as plasmids (Figure 4). Based on this data, further plasmid experimentation was not pursued. PCR for the nisin structural gene resulted in products just over 100bp for isolates L49 and L53 (Figure 5). No bands were detected for S23 or the control. Sequence analysis of the L49 PCR product yielded a consensus sequence of the nisin structural gene (Figure 6) that was 99% homologous to the nis A structural gene and 100% homologous to the nisZ structural gene (Table 4). The protein BLAST search showed 100% homology with the Nisin Z precursor, followed by that of nisins F and A, and then nisin Q (Table 4). A deduced amino acid sequence of BacL49 was also obtained from the BLAST search, which showed that BacL49 was identical to nisin Z.
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The inhibitory substance BacL49 produced by L. lactis L49 has been identified as a bacteriocin due to meeting the criteria of being a biologically active protein moiety with a bactericidal mode of action [33]. BacL49 can be produced in anaerobic conditions and is capable of diffusing through solid media (results not shown), which rules out hydrogen peroxide and phage activity, respectively, as the cause of antagonism. The protein nature of BacL49 was confirmed by its sensitivity to a number of proteases and the mode of action was confirmed as bactericidal by optical density and cell viability experiments.
BacL49 is heat and pH stable, though antagonistic activity was weaker when the bacteriocin was incubated in an alkaline environment. An acidic pH can be necessary for the retention of the cationic properties of bacteriocin peptides, which appear to be crucial for their antagonistic activity [59]. Most L. lactis bacteriocins, including nisin, are heat stable and tolerant to acidic conditions [21,60-62] but many show different enzyme sensitivities. A review of publications describing Nisin Z production by L. lactis strains isolated from various sources found that nisin Z is consistently sensitive to proteinase-K, but varies in sensitivity to trypsin, a-chymotrypsin, and papain. A few published descriptions of nisin exactly matched the protease sensitivity profile of BacL49 [63-65]. Interestingly, the only other described nisin isolated from fish differs from BacL49 in sensitivity to trypsin and a-chymotrypsin [37].
A bactericidal mode of action was confirmed by the reduction over time in optical density and Viable cell count of the BacL49 treated indicator culture. It is known that many antibiotics kill bacteria by targeting lipid II, thus blocking cell wall synthesis and leading to cell lysis by pore formation [44,66,67], and it is possible that BacL49 performs in a similar manner. The bactericidal mode of action of BacL49 not only confirms this substance is a bacteriocin, it indicates that BacL49 could reduce bacterial loads in fish or the environment by destroying S.iniae cells.
Production of antagonistic activity by the two differently sized peptide bands eluted from SDS PAGE gels (54kDa, and 5kDa) suggests that two different inhibitory substances are being concurrently produced by L. lactis L49. The two component lantibiotic lacticin 3147 consists of two 3-4kDa peptides, but both are required for antagonistic activity [68]. This required cooperation is apparently not the case with the two BacL49 peptides, as evidenced by their independent production of antagonism. It is also possible that cleaving of BacL49 is occurring; the large molecular weight peptide may be an unseparated quaternary structure of the small peptide.
The results of the plasmid extraction do not support the hypothesis that L49 contained plasmids. The faint bands observed after electrophoresis were not indicative of a typical plasmid profile. Chromosomal DNA extraction results suggest that L49 possesses the structural gene encoding the nisin precursor. Interestingly, equally strong bands for the structural gene were evident for isolate L53. Whilst this result was not expected due to isolate L53 only inhibiting 30% of S. iniae isolates in the JCU library (results not shown), it was also not surprising since various strains of L. lactis have been observed to produce nisin.
Based on the NCBI BLAST search results, BacL49 is likely nisin Z. The DNA sequence was shown to differ from that of nisin A exactly as stated in Mulders et al. [48], varying at position by a C to A transversion. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with those of the other nisin variants, coupled with the protein BLAST results, substantiates the nucleotide results. Nisin Z is a natural nisin variant that has only been produced by strains of L. lactis, however these strains have been isolated from a variety of sources from different environments.
Producers of nisin Z have previously been derived from dairy [51,69] and vegetables products [70,71]. Recently, it has been shown that they are also associated with mangroves [72], marine fish [37], and now with freshwater fish. The source of the producing strain could have an impact on how and in what context it can be used most effectively.
Based on the results of this study, it is likely that BacL49 is encoded on a conjugative transposon. Like plasmids, some conjugative transposons can possess a very broad host range [73], allowing for the dissemination of various traits (e.g. antibiotic resistance) across different species [53,74,75]. Further research following this study should focus on isolating this mobile genetic element from L49, characterising it, and assessing its potential novelty and uses by genetic manipulation.
Other bacteriocin-producing L. lactis strains have been isolated from freshwater fish in the past [47,60] however these studies tested bacteriocin activity against S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and other pathogens important in food spoilage and human infection. This study reports similar findings to that in Heo et al. [37], in which a strain of L. lactis subsp. lactis was isolated from the intestine of a marine olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and was found to inhibit S.iniae during in vitro experiments. Heo et al. [37] examined the in vitro effects of nisin Z against S. iniae by combining it with varying concentrations of NaCl. The authors concluded that the ability of nisin Z to inhibit the growth of S. iniae was synergistically improved when applied in conjunction with NaCl. This is significant for marine- based aquaculture. The producer of BacL49 was isolated from a freshwater fish species, thus it would be interesting to look for any significant differences in activity between BacL49 and nisin Z originating from a marine source BacL49 could have important applications in the aquaculture industry with regard to S. iniae.
The ability to retain its activity through heating processes would allow this bacteriocin to be readily incorporated into commercial fish food. The fact that BacL49 remains active over a broad pH range is also advantageous because S. iniae can establish in a variety of organs and tissues in infected fish. BacL49 could also be added directly into the culture water as a non-toxic means of biological control of S. iniae in the culture environment and be a supplement to vaccination procedures. This environmental treatment could address the issue of S. iniae cells surviving freely in the water and evading the immune responses of vaccinated fish. Differences in activity, such as increased inhibitory specificity, distinguish bacteriocins from classical antibiotics and are another advantage to their use in a cultured environment [76]. This specificity can reduce the risk of non-target bacteria (particularly beneficial ones) being antagonized and minimize the threat of resistance development. However, the broad activity spectrum of BacL49 on different isolates of S. iniae would prove to be an advantage due to the large variation that exists between strains of this pathogen [76,77].
The pathological effects of bacteriocins must be considered before they are used in an in vivo situation, and it would be beneficial to determine whether the bacteriocin is strongly antigenic [33]. However, most bacteriocins are not toxic to animals at effective antimicrobial concentration due to their specificity [78]. Despite the results of this study showing that high concentrations of BacL49 are easy to achieve, bacteriocin delivery or retention in fish tissues could prove difficult in vivo. If this were the case, L. lactis ssp. lactis L49 could be trialed as a probiotic. Great interest has been shown towards LAB as potential probiotics, as they are well-recognised for their bacteriocinogenic capabilities and presence within the normal microbiota of fish (typically the intestine) [30,79]. Not only can they withstand acidic stomach conditions, but they can grow and colonise the intestine of fish [80]. The piscine origins of L49 may contribute to its survivability and efficacy as a potential probiotic, though there are few studies examining L. lactis as a probiotic specifically against fish pathogens. Though L. lactis has not been documented as a fish pathogen and is regularly present in the aquatic environment and the intestinal tract of both freshwater and marine fish [71,81-84], it would be necessary to confirm isolate L49 as non-pathogenic to the species of fish undergoing treatment. The elucidation of the L. lactis genome and the fact that products from the bacteria are generally regarded as safe make the bacterium a unique candidate for genetically engineered live vaccines as well [85].
BacL49 is significant because it displays a broad activity spectrum for S. iniae isolates, implicating it as a new therapeutic or preventative agent for infections caused by this economically important fish pathogen. Nisin has had a long history as a safe food additive in the manufacturing of various foods for human consumption, thus BacL49 may also be integrated with fish food without serious concern over chemical residues. Purified BacL49 should be tested in vivo to determine antigenicity of the substance in fish, and the bactericidal action of the bacteriocin should be studied in depth to identify problems that may arise with bacterial resistance.
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conjugation bacterial infection video

BACTERIAL CONJUGATION Roy Curtiss, III Annual Review of Microbiology DNA PROCESSING REACTIONS IN BACTERIAL CONJUGATION Erich Lanka and Brian M. Wilkins Annual Review of Biochemistry THE CONJUGATION SYSTEM OF F-LIKE PLASMIDS Neil Willetts and Ron Skurray Annual Review of Genetics THE CONJUGATION SYSTEM OF F, THE FERTILITY FACTOR OF ESCHERICHIA COLI Among the Gram negative bacteria this is the major way that bacterial genes are transferred. Transfer can occur between different species of bacteria. Transfer of multiple antibiotic resistance by conjugation has become a major problem in the treatment of certain bacterial diseases. Bacterial Conjugation. Bacterial conjugation is one of the three major known modes of genetic exchange between bacteria, the other two being transduction and bacterial transformation. Of these three modes, conjugation is the only one that involves cell-to-cell contact. J. Lederberg and E. L. Tatum first reported such transfer in 1946 in ... After mass conjugation into B. henselae ATCC 49882 T, the derived bacterial pool was used to infect HUVECs with an infection dose of OD 600 = 0.002–0.02 (corresponding to 2.5 × 10 6 −2.5 × 10 7 cfu ml −1) for 2 days. The process of bacterial conjugation is based on the principle that the plasmid or any other genetic material is transferred from the donor cell to the recipient cell through close physical contact. Of all the conjugative plasmids, the F (fertility) plasmid of E. coli was the first discovered and is one of the best-studied. E.A. Raleigh, K.B. Low, in Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics (Second Edition), 2013. Bacterial Conjugation. Bacterial conjugation is one of the three major known modes of genetic exchange between bacteria, the other two being transduction and bacterial transformation. Of these three modes, conjugation is the only one that involves cell-to-cell contact. bacterial conjugation: Inhibition of mating pair forma- ... (21%) of 804 animals during 2011-14, and 16 (1%) of 1322 samples from inpatients with infection. Interpretation: The emergence of MCR-1 ... Bacterial conjugation is a sexual mode of genetic transfer in the sense that chromosomal material from two sexually distinct types of cells are brought together in a defined and programmed process. In conjugation, DNA is transferred between bacteria through a tube between cells. This tube formed between both cells (i.e., the donor and recipient ... group of T4SS is formed by the bacterial conjugation machines that mediate the spread of plasmids among bacterial populations and thereby lead to rapid dissemi-nation of antibiotic resistance genes and other virulence traits. The supramolecular structure of a bacterial conju-gation machinery is composed of the conjugal pilus for Pain is common with bacterial infections, and you can have skin pain with a bacterial skin infection, pain when breathing with a lung infection, and abdominal pain with an intestinal infection. You can easily identify redness or swelling on visible parts of the body, such as the skin, throat, or ears.

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