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I went to The Fat Duck in Bray today and on the pre lunch survey they asked me what I enjoyed; to which I said gw2. During the lunch they gave me this with one of the entrees: A wooden puzzle coin crate for casino coins.

I went to The Fat Duck in Bray today and on the pre lunch survey they asked me what I enjoyed; to which I said gw2. During the lunch they gave me this with one of the entrees: A wooden puzzle coin crate for casino coins. submitted by BrandyBiscuits to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

Path Of Fire TacO MEGA PACK - Music Box farms (Bleached Bones, Dwarven Remnants,...) | Adventures | Hearts | Sand Portals | Griffon Collections and various other Achievements and Collections (List inside)

It took quite some time but It's finally done:-) I've made trails for repeatable stuff like Bleached Bones or Adventures, one time achievements have just markers. All previously released routes like Casino Blitz was also remade into trails and updated.
Markers Download: http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download
Here is the List:
Crystal Oasis:
Desert Highlands
Elon Riverlands
The Desolation
Domain of Vabbi
Griffon Collection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01ug2IMFOns
If you miss something worth marking, let me know:-)
submitted by sankurix to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

Suggestions for game wide improvement using systems already in game.

Posted on Reddit and GW2Forum. Edit: Thanks for the gild, first one :)
GW2 has many systems and many limitations, we don't really know either and often suggestions are unrealistic in some way. Instead I tried to think of ways we could repurpose things we already have in game to reinvigorate other areas. This is quite long, there's a summary of intentions at the end, it's broke down in to a couple of categories. It does not cover WVW or PVP at all as less than 1k of my 10k hours have been spent in those modes but I believe these changes would still have positive impact on those as a by product of people being able to play where they wanted. Sorry if the formatting is bad I suck at reddit. Fix if you can if needed if you are a kind moderator.
- Add a tab to the vendor that converts experience writs into tomes that sells a level 80 scroll for 80 tomes which bypasses the clicking, like a level 80 boost but without all the benefits. Just more alt freindly.
- Add a vendor to each map which has an enemy that drops a unique skin. When you kill a boss/enemy you unlock its drops as account bound consumables at the vendor for a large amount of the maps currency [karma tyria mostly, contracts/effigies/casino coins in pof etc]. This adds huge sinks to every currency across the board, allows people to work toward a skin while hoping for rng but not relying on it. No ones really worried in raids because they know they can buy it eventually. People that can't be bothered can still buy off the trade post, and people who like to grind for drops can still do it too. Just make the costs high and don't change them on a whim. When currency is drained if needed modify the prices, not the currency aqquisition rates. Example - Kill Tequatl and thr researchers there sell you Teq Horde for 2million Karma (price just a random number, but it would need to be high for every skin regardless, this isnt meant to be a system so people can get all skins, just so you can work on SOMETHING you want, it means you can actually realistically work on things like Teq skins and Treasure hunter etc).
- If we arent gonna get a tonic tab/toybox/bookshelf add an vendor thats a combiniation of a few other ideas used in vendors in game atm. A portable vendor that takes toys/tonics/books as currency. When you buy something in Tab A it unlocks it for unlimited use in Tab 2 (example you have an infinite watchknight tonic, you double click it in tab A, it consumes it (like decoration vendor) and in Tab B you unlock Infinite Watchknight Tonic (multiple shops have hidden contents that you unlock) which you can use. Or a book vendor that works like the living season portal tomes.
- Add a tab with ascended versions of each item available from the dungeon vendor for a significantly higher amount of currency unlocked after Dungeoneer.
- Add an item to each vendor for a teleport to dungeon scroll, add a tome for the 8 scrolls to be put in.
- Add a vendor which accepts any one use skin consumable you have in return for 1 transmutation charge.
- Take the decoration system, DRASTICALLY reduce all prices and scribing requirements and add it to Home Instances with a vendor to get said decorations.
- Allow people to flat out buy legendary armour for legendary insights after the first set or Envoys Herald.
- Add a vendor that allows you to exchange black lion convenience items that have contracts for eachother if you have the contract unlocked, similar to how you can exchange mini's in raids if you have them unlocked. Obviously this wouldd not help someone who had EVERY contract but at least then if you even were missing one, those useless chest drops would have a little value.
- Remove the daily chest limit from Core world bosses. You can go loot guarantee'd 5 rares every 2 hours in Tarir or try for Egg Sac every 2 hours but can only get rewarded for Behemoth or try for a Teq Horde once a day, which feels wrong. Add a daily tyrian hero chest like HoT to Tyria that you can only get once daily for doing ANY boss. (only one boss daily, not 1 box per boss).
- Add a button above the map that works as the inverse of the "map is closing" which puts you in a more populated map. Flavour it to each map if needed. "Help the camps" , "Restore the Pylons", "Face the Shatterer" etc. If therre are full maps offer the option to queue for a full map or join one with space.
- Remove dungeons being closed while waypoints are contested or just stop having waypoints be contested in the first place.
- Add a consumable which grants Renown Heart progress when used in a hearts area. Reward it for map completions/community events like the kill 10k blitz bossses and anytime you need a disposable item reward slot thats not completely useless like most we get now are. PoF kind of already has these, you can stack up carrots or similar hand ins and put them in bank for alts to use at the heart but it's not user freindly.
- Add daily living season 3 hero chest and living season 4. Only 1 caan be earned per day for killing any boss onn a living season map, awards choice of stuff from that map. Add it to the specifmen chamber, storm meta, palawadan/guild hall, destroyers in drac mons, etc.
- Add dialog options for vanquish versions of each dungeon path which give a splash screen at the end which shows time, enemies killed, players deaths/respawns. Award bonus token per mob killed.
- Add a console like the golem arena has to the aerodrome allowing people to select the boss from a list of bosses they have killed that week which opens the instance form the menu similar to how fractals were before the rework or even the guild transporter which still allows the option to go from menu or the portal. Add a mote to every boss arena to respawn the boss.
- Add a mote at Lupi, Clockheart and any other boss that has nice mechanics that just multiples the hp and dmg output by 10. Non extra rewards, no anything. Dont even care about balancing. Just allows people to experience those bosses without them melting to power creep IF they want to.
- Add utility primers/food equivilent to the raid merchants for magnetite or something that only work in the golem/raid wings, like fractal potions only work in fractals. Even much weaker versions that maybe stretch a food to 2 hours.
- Remove mastery bar when in raids. Replace with an experience bar like world vs world unique for each wing. It only earns experience on a kill. Boosters shouldn't work. Make the level viewable similar to how you can see someones fractal level when you hover the section in lfg. This replaces the kill proof now that legendary insights may actually get spent on alt armour sets and accurately represents peoples experience. Currently if you kill Vale Guardian 20 times in one week the you get the same proof as someone who kills it once. No other benefit/difference to the level other than your experience level. Nothing like fractals in thaat respect.
- Make every daily category count towards the 10 ap daily category. Even 33% for a full set but honestly some of the LS dailies take longer than core dailies so that's possibly overkill so just have all of them count for 11% or something sso you can choose to do 9 of ANY daily or 3 of the standard usual ones.
- Add a weekly achievement that resets on monday with guild missions/raids etc that is just dailiesx7 which rewards 7 chests minus the number of days you have done thaat week. [people can choose to do them daily or not but are no longer punished for having low time on a bad set of dailies. as long as they have one day a week to play properly they wont fall behind but they stilll have to actually be playing to get them]
- Remove daily crafting gates and make them weekly attached to the monday guild mission/raid reset.
[These changes mean the only bonus for logging daily is the daily log in which is still incentive as it's the only way to get laurels and it also gives mystic coins]
- Add the wvw/pvp reward tracks to pve. When you have capped mastery, exp goes towards the reward track. Add a reward track which gives spirit shards.
- Make the headers of each lfg section show ALL the lfgs in the seperate lfgs within. Example - clicking on Dungeons shows all any lfg open across all 8 dungeon sections.
- Allow us to unequip purchased inventory slots. If necessary increase the base price of them in the store from that point on but blanket change, all bag slots already bought get the benefit despite being bought pre change. Good will to your playerbase.
- Add a black lion key to 5k ap mile stones and birthday achievements after 3 years so you get 1 key per year for being a long term player.
- Do something about ascended wood. It's been cheaper to buy than craft for ages now. While the sink is sattraactivee to let run as people ccontinue to just watse money due to this it's really not player freindly. Easiest way possible just force a delisting on trade post if possible so everyone has to list again. Even if it doesn't fully fix it it should at least be better than it is now. If that's n ot aan option even something like 32 slot wooden boxes to sink it out of the economy. Sure some people will get cheaper boxes than others but it will at least normalise the price if the surplus of cheap listings are bought up and sunk via crafting.
- Add an achievement for capping luck which gives an eat which eats luck for 6 junk containers/day like the other eaters.
- Add return to sender to black lion gemstore mails so people can return unwanted gifts without having to contact support.
- Add a tickbox for "sign your gift" so people can see that the person they are gifting form the gemstore won't actually know it's from them and decide if they want to let them know or not.
- If the forge rework is really this hard/taking this long, add an option to Miyani to "repeat last forge x10" which will do an item check and carry out the forge if you have the items.
- Allow Superior Runes and Sigils to be forged with a very small chance to give Amalgamated Gemstones. With a much higher chance of a "broke" forge result which is a 1 silver trash item. Only those 2 outcomes. Should clean up the junk sigils, not impact amalgamated as much as some people will see that as a waste of items and not a worthwhile gamble, but someone else will always gamble and maybe even raise most to around 10-18silver like t5 upgrades that are currently used for amalgamated. This also should raise the prices of trash Exotics a little meaning that they are not as depressing to loot as they currently are.
- Add an option in graphics to hide other peoples armour,backbpacks, armour, mounts, auras if they choose. Show default model. I can't understand why if I set everything low, and all get a pink default moddel, that I can still see ad infinitums and twilights.
- Allow people to add a custom status other than just "away" "invisible" so they can set a short desription of what they are doing so you can at a glance seee if anyone is doing anything you can join. Add the custom status to the menu when you click a tag from map and get the option to join the squad, meaning you can see what commanders are doing if you arrive on a map that has activity.
- When you hover over map rewards in the open world map - show a progress bar or completely hide them. Also reset them on monday with everything else instead of Thursday night as it is currently.
- Add some in game pop ups with information for people. Please. 3 years in peoplr still think dragons stand is dead yet it was one of the best first experiences you can have in HoT and people would have it if it just said "Hello dragonslayer, this map is aimed at group content and is on a timer, please refer to the lfg" or something.
- Make the waypoint beside an active world boss or metaevent free during that event similar to how if you have no money at all or in tradepost/bank the nearest wp is free when you die. I noticed this when running dungeons with new players, theey would not waypoint until I told them it was free inside instances, then they wouldd do it instantly. This is a minor thing which wouldn't affect much (if they don't waypoint they aren't sinking the silver anyway) but literally any person it made respawn wouldd be a positive.
- Set community targets every month for each game mode. First 3 weeks we work towards them, kill x number of mobs or loot y number of chests, kill x enemies or capture y number of points etc. If the target is reached, the 4th week of the month has a bonus active (call of the mists in competitive, things like the exp boost, gathering boost etc in pve). From my experience leading and helping low playtime per week players, they got more out of that weekend than the blitz reward. Was crazy to ask people what they were doing and them say "levelling an alt while double exp is on". Ignore people that say the reward is weak, people enjoy free things and generally people who are happy are quiet, enjoying the game. I'm sure you all saw people asking why arenanet had gifted them 25 boosters for nothing after that event lol.
Final Thoughts
Aim of this post is to take systems in use elsewhere and apply them to places in game to make it better for everyone, not just one person and punishing as few possible. Some of these things may not be possible, or may not be as easy as they seem but many seem quite realistic and actually beneficial across the board, for player and developegame. The outcome of these changes would in my opinion be - You are rewarded for playing anywhere properly. You are not punished for liking lottery/farming/buying stuff with gold but you are also able to work on anything that you want and know that you don't need to rely on rng. It should reinvigorate ALL content other than those really odd core maps that haven't really got anything going on on them. It would be much more alt friendly. Most currencies would no longer be utterly useless and you would not bee punished for having limited time daily however would still receive a benefit from logging every day compared to those that can't. Resets would be uniform except for WVW (notice I made no wvw suggestions - I would just make bad ones, my hope is that with the reward track add daily track change you would lose all the people that go for gifts of battle and easy dailies. This (similar with the pvve get a group button) would mean that most people trying content (using lfg, organising via team speak etc in wvw) should only get people that actually want to be there as opposed to how it is now. So while I have no direct suggestions for WVW as I haven't played it in 5 years I would at least think that it would still benefit partially from these changes. PVP same boat, I know pve inside out but wouldn't even try to start suggesting things for pvp. Hopefully people read this/some of it/agree with any of it. I have no expectations of anything from the post but if I was to see any of these changes in game I would be really happy, or even close to versions of them and the reason I finally made the post is because everyone who has heard them has told me I should. Thanks. I've probably forgot a bunch I will remember when I press post.
EDIT: knew would forget something.
Make Crown Pavilion permanent, make Festival of the Four Winds/Lab Cliffs/the Race/Gauntlet Special Encounters the festival and just leave the map with blitz and normal gauntlet throughout the year so people can earn tickets, some of the gated AP so its not such a huge chunk in such a short time, play the content and then when the festival comes there are people who know the map to teach people and the you won't have the communities competing on one small population map (people for dailies, people for gauntlet, people for blitz).
submitted by berserksteve to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

Perspective of a Returning Player

Hello, all. I saw a couple posts pop up where people shared what friends or new players thought of the game, and I figured that maybe someone would care to hear my perspective as a returning player. I bought this game at launch and played for a couple months (got my ranger to level 60 or so). Honestly, it didn't seem like there was much to work towards at that time - maybe because there wasn't, maybe because I just didn't know about it. Since starting to play again last month, I'm sitting on 5 level 80's which each have one elite spec (as of last night). The other MMORPG's that I have spent significant time in are ESO and SWTOR. I also got an Orc hunter to level 80 in the included month of WoW that came with the BattleChest. I also spent a reasonable amount of time in GW1 back in the day. Anyway, here are the things that stick out to me about my experience so far.

Progress anywhere - I've heard some mixed feedback about how the different areas de-level you. Ultimately I like it though. I understand that people like to feel more powerful as they progress. But I like being able to make some amount of progress on my character wherever I go. The leveling system in some MMOs (looking at you SWTOR and WoW) means that the vast majority of the maps hold absolutely no value for you once you level past them. So while it might be cool/satisfying to come back and one-shot some champion who gave you grief as a level 10, I think getting useful (maybe not great) amounts of gold/exp/karma is better. Plus it never really made sense that some random deeminotaulashtail woods in the level 80 zone would have exponentially more HP/damage than the one in the level 10 zone. It's still the same animal, right?

Account progress - I honestly cannot remember what this looked like exactly when I played before. But I really like where it is sitting now. Having the mastery unlocks be account-level while the HPs and map progress are character-level feels fair. Getting the small percentage boosts to gold/magic find/etc. is also nice. It just seems right that, once you level one character, subsequent ones should not be quite as hard. The lack of account progress is what turned me off of ESO (you can only collect those mage books and crystal things so many times before it really starts to drag). And the currency wallet is very nice, even if there are way too many currencies to try to keep track of (and why can't casino coins go in the wallet?).

Build options - The fact that you can adjust your build at will is probably my favorite part of the game. I hate when games make you go to a trainer and/or spend money to change your skills/traits. Playing around with classes and builds is something that I find very enjoyable in these types of games. The fact that there are so many options for each class is also nice. I'm honestly still not sold on the lack of the holy trinity of MMORPGs (DPS, healer, and tank). But playing around with the classes has been very fun.

Community - For the most part, people seem to be pretty helpful. I can typically find some random person to help me when I'm having trouble with something. There are a good number of guilds that welcome new/returning players. Every now and then I'll bump into some elites who don't want to help a newb, like the hero point train where everyone has a griffon and leaves me in the dust or a dungeon speed-runner. But overall, it's been good. I'm guessing that the toxicity might come in later, though, when I can finally attempt the more challenging content.

PvP - I don't actually like the PvP in GW2 very much. The finishing blow mechanic kind of annoys me. But I will say that I respect it a lot. As far as I can tell, they have made a PvP experience that is actually fair and doesn't give a huge boost to the people grind PvP a lot. I'm hoping that it will grow on me at some point, because a large portion of my time in SWTOR was in PvP, and that could be good times.

HoT - I really like the overall feel - crash landing and just trying to survive the night in the first map, building up to a full assault. But it seems like it can be a little rough to work through, especially solo. If you get put in a low-pop instance, some things are functionally impossible. I'm not sure what I think anyone should do about it, really. The difficulty is part of the feel. It can just be frustrating at times. I will also say that the mini-map is terrible at portraying verticality.

PoF - So far, I've really only come here to get mounts and hero points. Not much to say yet, but it seems pretty cool.

Lack of leveling builds - I guess this is more a thought about the community. But I like to check out build guides to give myself a starting point for playing around with a class. But most of the guides that I see focus completely on the endgame. A prime example is for the Revenant. Every single build that I saw for that class included an elite spec. But I still need to make it through 80 levels and beat the hero challenges in one of the expansions without having access to those. So it seems like, at the point where people need the most help with figuring out a class/build, there are no guides that apply.

Lack of clarity on what to do at 80 - So when I hit 80 with a character, I'm sitting there with a hodge-podge of level 75-80 rare and exotic gear that have a variety of stats on them. It was very confusing trying to figure out what I needed to do next (it still is). Even just the goal of getting all level 80 exotic gear with the right stats seems daunting. I have very little money and even less idea how to spend it the most effectively. And crafting is especially bad. It cost me 10 gold (of my 45) to level my weaponsmith to 400, and that was with my materials bank overflowing into the regular bank. All so that I could make myself some blue/green level 80 weapons. No idea how I'm going to even begin to level the other crafting professions - especially now that all my mats are used used up.

Living world - This is easily the worse and most frustrating thing about the my whole experience. As I mentioned I bought this game on release. In total, I've spent well over $100 on the game, expansions, and some character slots. I completely understand the first season being unavailable. That was actually living world - you needed to experience it live. And they gave you a nice little summary video. But seasons 2, 3, and 4 being behind a paywall definitely feels like I'm being nickel and dimed. It's especially bad in two ways. First, in doing research on how to best progress now, I keep hearing references to content that I do not have. Apparently the best place to farm gold (which I desperately need) is some place called Istan. And apparently there are ascended items that you can get fairly easily from some episodes. Second, it makes the story make absolutely no sense. I finish the core story-line and move into HoT (logical, right?). I'm met with a bunch of characters I don't know. Apparently Rytlock died at some point and Eir had a kid. It just doesn't make sense. Not having access to all the episodes is really annoying. I think it is a cheap shot that you only unlock the episode if you play when it's new. It just really feels like they are giving the shaft to someone who supported them from the start, simply because I didn't/couldn't actively play the entire time.

Gem store - I won't complain too much. I'll just say that I wish that there were less gameplay/functionality things behind the paywall of the gem store. I'm all for them selling cosmetics and whatnot.

So those are my thoughts. I'd appreciate hearing responses and/or thoughts.
submitted by choggner to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

My Wishlist for Future Contents

I finished PoF, and my god this expansion was worth every penny for me. There are many things well done, but especially the way Anet implemented mounts felt phenomenal. With this expansion, I am genuinely excited for what else Anet may release in future contents, and that got me thinking of what I would personally like to see in GW2. (Obviously these are my personal preferences, and some may not necessarily want these for various reasons)
1) Mini Games
There are already sparks of pure joy (memory games, chef ingredients, casino coin collecting etc) in GW2 where a game within the game is quite engaging. While I would agree that Anet has already toyed with mini games and there are still quite a few out there, none of them are quite actively supported or loved. My hope is they create a genuine in-depth mini game content that perhaps some players can pursue even as end game content. Some examples I think of are
2) Housing
This may be a controversial one. I know many people are instead happy with guild halls, that housing does not quite fit the game, that they would prefer Anet put their efforts into something else other than housing. While they have valid points that I can respect, my personal preference is that I would rather have housing contents in the future. I'm just a sucker for traditional housing I guess. and believe it or not, housing can come with many benefits too. Here are some benefits that housing could implement.
Anyways, I would pretty much be over the moon if any one of these got implemented. To be honest, I am excited for what Anet has in store for future contents regardless after PoF.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Vintage0415 to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

PSA MINI FAQ guide for the upcoming Skyscale mount and the requirements to get it

PSA MINI FAQ guide for the upcoming Skyscale mount and the requirements to get it

This is a mini guide for those players who want to learn more about or get a “head start” on the mastery points and experience requirements for the new Skyscale mount that's coming out in the new LS4 episode later this month.
First off, no confirmed release date has been announced for the new LS4 episode "War Eternal". It is assumed that an official trailer will be release approx. one week prior to the release date, which is usually on a Tuesday (NA), which could fall on one of the following dates:
For those wanting to keep tabs on "official channels", I suggest one or more of the following:
Wiki War_Eternal page:
Guild Wars 2 twitter page:
Guild Wars 2 Youtube page
Wooden Potatoes
Guild Wars 2 sub reddit
That_Shaman maintains a countdown timer to the next patch update
The release notes are posted to the GW2 forums at the link below, shortly (e.g. minutes to an hour or so) after the games launcher starts updating:
And of course, both the wiki and patch notes are also accessible from the game launcher once you have signed in.
Initial patch updates usually happen on a Tuesday at or around 16:00 GMT. This could be followed by mini patches to fix bugs/serveclient crashes later that day or later in the week.
Yes, you do need to own the Path of Fire expansion to get the new LS4 episode "War Eternal".
For those who do not know what these masteries are, they can be thought as a higher levelling system pass the max. char level 80. See the following wiki page for more info on this:

As far as we know the new mount shouldn't cost any high amount of in-game gold. Much like the Roller Beetle Mount (from LS6 EP3 "Long Live the Lich"), it could be assumed that you may only need to complete the upcoming episode content and do a scavenger hunt to fulling unlock the new mount.

Desert Mastery Points Needed
It is confirmed you will need to have 12 unspent desert mastery points plus 1,879,600 exp.
If you are low on desert mastery points, I suggest going through the Hero Achievement panel, under "Story Journal->LS4 content" and "Path of Fire->map content" sections, to see which achievements (with the mastery symbol) you can easily do. As a suggestion for the main PoF maps, the scavenger hunt ones (e.g. "Lost Lore of..." and those "Tasty treats" ones) are somewhat easy with little to no fighting involved.

Farming Daily Desert Chests
Now it is confirmed that a daily chest from any desert map provides a single scrap of desert mastery, which will award you with 12,700 experience (when consumed) towards the active Crystal Desert mastery track.
To get 1,879,600 experience from daily desert chests alone is about 149 chests (12,700 experience x 149 chests = 1,892,300 exp).
This wiki page lists the daily "desert map" achievements:
Also, players with the PoF expansion may get one or more dailies specifically from the main PoF maps, including:
Each LS4 map have their own daily map achievements, this is my own personal suggestions for either the shortest and/or easiest map dailies - I am sure you have your own ideas for what is shorteeasier dailies to do:
Domain of Istan
Sandswept Isles
Domain of Kourna
Jahai Bluffs
Thunderhead Peaks

Farming Casino Coins
Another way to earn/bank desert mastery experience is to farm casino coins (via the meta event "Casino Blitz" from the Crystal Oasis map), where each coin provides 0.25% exp (towards the next level) - at level 80, that works out to 635 exp per coin, or one stack of casino coins=158,750 exp.
If my math is correct, that works out to 12 stacks of casino coins (12 x 158,750 exp = 1,905,000 exp).
The Casino Blitz meta event happens at 5 minutes pass the odd hour (i.e. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc.), consists of 3-stage events plus a bonus event. The wiki page below explains more about this event and provides useful tips, so I do strongly suggest reading up on it. If you are thinking of choosing this method of farming desert mastery exp, I suggest foregoing the "troublemakers" events until you get the hang of the coin locations.

Some Other Key Points to Keep in Mind
It is likely you will need to complete the new episode content and complete a scavenger hunt before you can active the Skyscale Mount mastery line.
Once the new LS4 episode hits the live servers, don't automatically fire off (consume) your stacks of chests/coins until you are on the new map and the new Skyscale Mount mastery line has been fully unlocked and set active.
Like past LS4 episode content, the new map will likely have a volatile magic vendor offering permanent empowerment (exp) boosters: 3x levels (total %30) for 16,000 volatile magic, which if you have not completed your "head start" exp farm (or simply want to earn exp the normal way), may choose to "activate" this empowerment booster plus any other exp booster to finish off the exp requirement for the new mount mastery. (Though keep in mind that the empowerment booster only works on kills.)
Again, this mini guide is only for those who want a “head start” or to learn more on the mastery point and exp requirements for the new Skyscale mount.
submitted by davebaggins to SeriousCatz [link] [comments]

[PDF] Supernova (Amulet #8) by Kazu Kibuishi

[PDF] Supernova (Amulet #8) by Kazu Kibuishi

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Details of Book
Author : Kazu Kibuishi
Number of pages : 208 pages
Editor : Scholastic Inc.
Date of Publication : September 25th 2018

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Emily has lost control of her Amulet and is imprisoned in the Void, where she must find a way to escape the influence of the Voice. Meanwhile, Emily's brother, Navin, travels to Lighthouse One, a space station where the Resistance is preparing to battle the approaching Shadow forces that would drain planet Alledia of all its resources. Emily and Navin must be smarter and stronger than ever to ensure Alledia's survival.

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